July 3rd, 1941 Mr. c. aA Bayles University of Kansas Dear ir. Bayles‘ I'm wondering if we could have a small strip of flooring which is directly in front of our office door varnished. A few years ago you were kind enough to re-place the old flooring for new flooring. At that time, it was varnished and made entirely new. Since then, all the varnish has been worn off and the excessive usage that we have given it has caused the floor in this area to show much wear. I fear that unless there is some varnish put on, the floor will become stained end ugly unstead of the nice floor that we now have. Of course it will not be possible to do this until after the close of Sumer School, but I would appreciate it if you could put this on your agenda for attention during the late summer. The small strip I referred to, runs from the west end of the side door of the gymnasium to and across our office door which opens south of the hall. Thank you very much for your past kindnesses. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCA:re