UNIVERSLLY OF KANSAS Lowrenco Department of Physical Education March 10, 1959-6 Shween ett TO THE MEN OF THE UNIVERSITY FACULTY: Through the kirdness of Mrs. Co Gs Bayles, Supor- intendent of Buiidings snd Geounds, a dressing room is boing built in the be.sement of Robinson Gymmusium ror the use of the men on the Univorsity faculty, This is the firs time that this muche necded facility hrs been providee fer the faculty, and I am sure that it will be sreatly appreciated. There will be cnough lockers for cveryone who desires once All you will nocd to provide is a lock for your “locker, and a duplicate key to the deor of the room for yourself, The charge for this kovr will provabiy be 252. I trust that many of you will avail yourselves of this oppertunity t: uso the gymmasium faciliticse Wo are hoping to organize some classes or teams in vollcy ball if cnough are interested. Let us Imow it you would like to join such a groupe There will be an ceieienb anand in the University Daily Kansan when the dressing room is completed and ready for your USCe Very sincerely yours, O)..9 AnALA Sle Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache March 15, 1959. University of Kansase Dear Hrs Bayless ne We gintt grey appreniate ary help yor oan gfe us to ‘Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach - Mareh 3, 19396 ie attr Bi! ir A ii a ail ues came dele a itt He ' 3 ity el ld i iy tel ha i Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. é yours, Very Director of Physical Varsity Basketball Coache January 16, 1959s reidegys eee RUSH ORDER 17-3574 3-38—20M January 5, 1939.4 lite Ae Ce Elson, Buildings end Grounds, University of Kansas. Dear Mire Flsons lovely bouquet of flowers. We are enjoying then very th much apprestation for your thowghtfule nese 32 EE ee es ee ee I am Very sincerely yours, Mire Ce Gy Bayles, Dutidings end frome Dear ire Bayles: our conversation yesterday with regard Renenthering to a place for the high school boys to play during holidays, x aasad Gas mate ak Goi ae ds Ge 1 any way possible. Very sincerely yours, Urector of Physical lducation, FOCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coachs We are very glad thet your men availed them selves of this opportunity, and assure you thet we aro always glad to cooperate with your department in any way possiblee , Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Ndueation, Varsity Basketball Coachs DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Cc. G. BAYLES, SUPERINTENDENT October 22,1938 o Dr. F. C. Allen,Director .. Physical Education Dept. i. University of Kansas Dear Dr.Allen: I want to express my ceebeatesion for the very valuable service to this Department given by Instructor Herbert G.eAllphin. Our electricians have completed several periods of instruction : on first aid and prone pressure methods for their own protection in their _ work. This has been under Mr.Allphin and is much appreciated by the workers oe: themselves as well as the writer, who is more or less directly responsible oe for their protection and the safety of their working conditions. As you know all or most of the higher voltage equipment of the University is in underground vaults and ducts. This makes accidental contacts doubly hazardous on account of moisture and grounds where they must work. | = We have recently purchased tools for testing this equipment oF before men attempt to work with it and I fell sure that this equipment backed up by some training in what to do in case of accidents, will aid greatly in the protection of our employees. is Z We appreciate your cooperation on these instnuctions and thank youe . Dept Buildings | & Orwaeha CGB:hi c/c Mr. Herbert Allphin October 86, 1958. of head along oc tting on the floor Very sincerely yours, rector of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coachs Mia ii : October 3, 1958. Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Cc. G. BAYLES, SUPERINTENDENT Oct 3,1938 Dr. F. C. Allen | Director of Phsyical Education a Robinson Gymnasium Dear Dr. Allen: Answering your letter of September 29th regarding toilet in the faculty dressing room for Women, wish to advise that we are re- placing all this type of lavatory equipment as fast as money is available, and hope to finally remove all of them from the University. aoe : Thank you for calling this to my attention. ; Cordially ~ Dept .Buildi an Grounds CGB:hi of the gymmasiun om the girls side. action he maaan: wee ae sodial their cooperation in enforcing rule the building, and I would also like to ask you to use your influence as you pass turougn the buildings Thank you for calling this to our attention. It on en a Septenber 29, 1938. litte Ce Ge Bayles 9 Supte, Buildings and Grounds, University of Kansase Dear Mre Bayless I have noticed that the toilet in the faculty dressing room in the women's office in the gymnasium is one of the old plumger typee As you know, the walis there are very thin, being merely partitions, and at times when there are visitors in the office it is somewhat embarrassing to flush the toilet on account of the noises hae eotkiote Sin hier tiasalanelt este Gt the seine See and possibly they should be replaced some times I am wondering if the old toilet in the women's dressing room could be replaced with a newer type. We shall greatly appreciate anything you can do to make the situation more pleasant for the women of our depart- nente Very sincerely yours, : : Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches September 27, 1958. 2 Pa i er is lian Binmei Derarinent of Buildings ast/Grounda, ety Of ee J You have done such a spl job on decorating ee ae ee eee d to send you some little token of our appreciations Everyone is enthusiastic about the appearance of the pole Much credit is due you for your artistic worlsnanshi pe Thanlding you, and with all good wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, = a ak wl ay pt k i 30 ye, ah deat if aeg i j é ais ipl aia 2 iia? | : iste, a8 b rad Wi i He ‘ wd ha dn yl He aod ah: soll THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE Cc. G. BAYLES, SUPERINTENDENT September 20, 1936. wia, 3 ited t ya ay fe Hi i A Bet ib etn aL iiss, taal {ii ii; j ; ae Hl Ht t jini il Hi whl is Hee Very Director of Physical Education, September 17, 1958. I have talked to Mre Lyle Gibbons, manager of the local telephone company, and explained to him our desire for a night connection in this office. There are so August 9, 1938. Ure Ce Ge Bayles, Superintendent, Buildings end Grounds. Dear Mr. Dayleas I wish to request that the telephone mmber for this office be changed to K. U. 33, and that our present number, 89, be given to the Intramural office. Aon, 3¢ is sary deine tak ie ian a she | FCAsAH Varsity : Coaches a : ui ine jd . Hh > OU Mi} ithe a ? cue 25, 1958. He anit al gil, a] fi tt i | certs TR: it A HH ce 21) i ‘il i, iin is iit fs 4 "iG lif tgs adn g Ghee A ey aly Ad i aia i 3H au Hy lll H 3; core a He ae i! lay! 2 il tf ae iit | fae ith if sed a ih ih 8 ae I wld ring you would give me a end I will WG are in mo are uot conducive to the best work unter the existing conditionse ata an cae oo ee | Li oe won tol ah » but when that the ie ct Hl es the office sao on the tint lire a tick ih wie oeins to ee a ‘ i ie see Very simere) oly ‘yours, Director of Physick] Bduontion, FCA SAH July 19, 1958. Mre Ce Ge Bayles, Superintendent, Buildings end Groundse Dear Mire Bayless sates ‘thes satis Cocina eeeihiins ant ois witan: voom 105 Robinson Gymmasiua, the telephone company found it necessary to change the location of the telephones, I wmder=- — stand it is nosessary for a written request to go to you, and — I trust you will approve this changes I want to thank you for the fine job the carpenters have done in enlarging the office. The room is very pleasant now, with good ventilation and lighte We greatly appreciate your kindmess in this matters Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Cc. G. BAYLES, SUPERINTENDENT Physical Education Dept.