) be Sabreings : B Stick handling with either or both handse 2) Fundamental slashes and —— with cobemen to either sides Ce Personal contestss ? (2%) Novelty contests such as are described’ in the War Department Circular Nos 87 and in Paragraphs 35 and 76 of Fe Me Qle20 add zest and interest to the day*s work and are valuable in developing body controk and competitive te fo di Actual competition, (1) At first the various mneuvers whee in this on of the program should be practiced as exercises, later, when suffickant skill is ee trainees may be paired off for actual com= — adequate supervision, in some — of the worke as The chief object: of ins truotion in this area is the development of the ite sense, balance, and certain kinds of body control, parte while supporting the weight by means of the arms and handss ‘Jt dg also one of the best types of activity for the mush=needed develope — ment 8fthe upper bodys — | 2 be Exercises utilizing the horse, esate’ bars, herisontad: bar, ropes and mats should be stressed and they should be planned with a view to being of use in surmounting the — obstacles ee the fields a @» This phase of ‘lial nat culminates, during the latter part of the term, in work on the obstacl course inwhieh most of the skilis previously learned as exercises are utilized in a more practical ways _Binte metmenle ovcroce tre not miforn stentards of achievement should stablished locally, with a minimm performance requirement gor all fe The will to win through coordinated tean sine and diseipline is the first objective in this areas ‘be Teams should be evenly mtched with insentive to develop nerds ageressive play and a fighting, omnpeti tive spirite Ge Other objectives are the imppevenent of cardio@respiratery endurance, speed and agility, and the deve lopment of the large mvaehe groups, parte ieularly of the legse ds We Niet ab ais thd tay We stint | is limited only by the availe ability of facilities and equipment and by trainee interest. However, experience has shown that the following games, while affording the values desired, have, in the past, been most meily —_—, to general parte Seipation by large numbers Soocer, speedball, touch football, modified football, _—n volley= ball, —