TRIPLICATE DEPARTMENTAL ORDER Order aa Business OFFIcE, | : N‘ 102 Tue University or Kansas: Date... ay 28, 358 Please order from the Department of Buildings and Grounds the articles or labor | Date paid 3 listed below, and charge to the..................... eee. fund, Department of....... Myeieel Bdueetgjes eneiaitice Deliver to Room No.2-200 Building... Robinson. Gymesiua Check No. (Please make in triplicate. ae ee es a eee eee a : = ‘isa Head of Department. QUANTITY SIZE DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES OR LABOR QUOTATION i 1/8 HePe || Ge Ee Motor for fan in Mon*s Towel Roam 47400 1 #20 Ventura Fen to be placed in basenent, men's dressing roo (ite Crow has spocifications) Total Cost, 17-1728 11-37—3M Sets