ss Nig) y* me His a8 Fe i > «Bal Bangg! yf Be uel at te ile i i sashes: ett Wikiatiielt taheinitians coil Temunlitinn, Varsity Basketball Coachs FCAsAH THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Cc. G. BAYLES, SUPERINTENDENT June 29,1939 Dre F.C.Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas My Dear Dr .Allen: I have your letter of June 25rd requesting installation of lavatory and toilet in room 202B Robinson Gymnasium. I believe I explained to you some time ago that we are now stalled on our program of replacing all spring seat toilet fixtures, both in the Administration Building and in the Womens Gymnasium. If and when we find sufficient funds to complete this important work then we will try to carry out your present request We are willing to provide the necessary labor to do this for you if some arrangements can be made whereby the necessary pipe, valves and fixtures can be purchased. Thanking you for your letter, I am Very t oyr Zz, b/ Superinte CGB: hi . Dept Buildings & Grounds February 21, 1959. Hd Husstelllt sig tt i ar He i Ll a tt ab ih isi fiat a a 3 ti fy rE if a | [ee $3 4 ili He st Ya acta Paths Pr iy fatal i Hil ph Hi int Ae BIB ’ ia ‘Ey Ht faze Hi i il 35 HH i oo Ki ie - i i ie if # aes S if a (au We ; f oe i pat rile 4 Shueited of Teyelent' Daewtien, Varsity Paskstball Conch, ‘easbild a oun a Sincerely yours, Very sincerely yours, September 30, 1937. lee C. G, Bayles, fines Gun “i Grounds. Dear at, a Confirming our telephone oieserektion this morning, will you indy have the steel ae from the second floor of the gyn- nasiumt — Please save thess motal plates and leave them at this office so. _— may be given to dir, Yell Davidson, The small holes in the floor vie these siabee have been should be filled up with Fibortnat silt mood iulite spe” ppesently ane oorthat wi prerse Bm the steel plates have been bekee ons have beon filled with Crea. I t teltees these should be fil) with flooring, Ve do net wish the floor patched, but only these smail holes filled, Sinserely yours, FCAtAB _ Director of Physical Education. September 22, 1937. My, C, G, Bayles, Superintendent Buildings and Grounds, University of Kansas, Dear C. Got I want you to know how delighted I am with the prospective set-up on the lighting devide for the auditoriun. | , This will be a great nt from every standpoint, and I am greatly le Very cordially yours, PCA: AR Director of Physical Education, lip, C, G, Bayles, Suporintenmient Buildings and Grounds. Dear Mr, Bayles: 4prangements are being made with Hr, Raymond Nichols for our classes at the time of the teachers’ meeting, so that the car- penters can take over the job at 8 o'clock on Hevesber €th. Sincerely yours, FCASAH Director of Physical Education, — THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Cc. G. BAYLES, SUPERINTENDENT October 7,1937 Dr. Forest C.Allen Direct r of Physical Education University of Kansas My dear Doctor Allen: Will you please arrange your schedule in Robinson Gymasium so that we may have the building available by 8 A.M. November 4th for exhibitors who will serve the State Teachers Convention? I am advised that exhibits will be out by noon November 6th. Please advise me of any difficulty with this arrangement. Cordially yours Super intendent Dept Buildings & Grounds CGB:hi October 16, 1957. Mr, G, G. Bayles, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. Dear Mr. Bayles: | I wish to call your attention to a condition in Miss Dunkel’s office which should be repsired. The casement below the east windows has dropped about an inch from the windowsill. This may have been pulled down by the heat radiator which is fastened to the casement. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, October 20, 1937. tir, C, G, Bayles, Superintendent Buildings ané Grounds. Dear Mr, Bayles: ic | : i: The new desk for my office has been reeeived, and in arranging the office furniture — find that the location of the telephone not convenient. I am therefore requesti that the telephone be changed to the other side of the window. I trust this change will meet with your approvel, With appreciation of your co- operation, I am . . , | _ ‘Sincerely yours, Iirector of Physical Yducation. October 11, 1937, mee oe eee rintenden Buildings and Grounds. Dear Mr, Bayles: i wonder if it would be possible for you to change the window between private office and the il outer office where Mrs, Hulteen’s desk is located= its at ae 3 : This is a large one=pane window, and since it can*t be opened the ventilation in the outer office is very poor. If you could replace this with a twoesash window so that it would be lowered from the top to let the air cireulate between the two rooms the atmosphere would be much better, | I wish also to eall your attention to the need of white paint on the walls pipes, et cetera, in the women's toilet room in the east end of the basement of the gymnasium, | With appreciation of your cooper- ation, I am | | Sincerely youra, Director of Physical Education, THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Cc. G. BAYLES, SUPERINTENDENT October 28,1937 Dr. Forrest © Allen Director of Mijysical Education Robinson Gymnasium Dear Dr .Allen: Your request of October 25th for certain refinishing and carpentry repairs in your building has been referred to me. Work orders have been issued to our foremen some time ago for alterations on the windows in your office and on painting the entire west hallway. This will be done as soon as we are forced to give up our outdoor painting program on account of bad weather. We wish to take advantage of every available hour of weather suitable for outdoor painting while it lasts. We want to do everything time and available funds permit to make your guarters pleasant and healthful and we appreciate any suggestions for the improvement of our service to you. I assure you it is not necessary to take up each minor detail with the Chancellors Office in order to get the job done - just give us a ring and we will do our best. With best wishes, I am Dept Bldgs. & Grounds CGBshi lir.s C, G, Bayles, Superintendent, Buildings and Orounds, University of Kansas, Dear ir. Bayles: I acknowledge receipt of your letter of Oetober 28. ay I “Ts in my actions saying that last spring at the budget conference I naturally took up with the budget committee the matter of exe pense of remodeling the Athletic Office so that it would incorporate an office for Physical Education, The Chancellor's Office informed me that it was not necessary to include that in the Physical Education budget. “hat they desired was for me to submit to them my ideas on the remodeling and repairing improvee ment that would be done under their direction, and they would handle the matter. . i pointed out the fact that the fivee foot width flooring in front of our office was in very bad state of repair, that the walls in this end ef the gymnasium here had not been painted for quite some time and that the wainscoting and radiators in the adjacent area had besn stained by sputum which made it a very unsightly looking place. ee | | The Chancellor reassured us ‘upon | several occasions that he desired to give us tools to work with, Opening our front door as we do on the stairway leading up from the gymnasium makes it hecessary that we have things in fairly good appear- ance to make our quarters et ell inviting. We do not think that the front door presents that desirable 7 viewpoint at present. — : an | j I believe you will remember that the matter of windows was taken up directly with your office. This had to do with ventilation and healthful living in our quarters here, | DEPARTMENT OF C. G. BAYLES, SUPERINT December 10,1937 Dr e r Ce Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas. Dear Dr. Allens | We estimate the cost of tile ee in the meng cyencelan as follows: . Sixty lineal feet tile wall with 36" wire panel on top, both sides of partition plastered and minted, one door, frapé and hardware,necessary lighting equipment él $375 .00 a We plan to order tile for other work soon and the | host of tile in above estimate is based on C.L. shipment with our order. Your early decision will be appreciated. « jee var tastings & © ounds CGBshi UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS December 3, 1937 Dr, F. G. Allen University of Kansas Dear Dr, Allen: In checking over the gymnasium for repairs which are needed, I have listed the following: Painting the walls of the offices--104-106-108 Varnishing woodwork of offices Repair window sill in offices--106-104 Paint and varnish halls and bulletin boards Varnish woodwork --204B, particularly window sills Paint walls of basement. Screens for windows in basement (to replace beaver board which has been torn) Repair of shower partitions Painting dressing booths Paint walls of swimming pool Yours truly, Keech Slbooved Ruth I. Hoover November 29, 1937+ lire Ce Ge Bayless Supt-s Buildings and Grounds, University of Kensase — Dear lis Bayles: ‘i we bee grout dak of aitoaty with the old drinking fountain in the The showers are used continuously in a celtic, ont Cle pressure at the fountain drops to practically nothing. Many of the students try to drink when there is no pressure, thereby soiling the foustein with their ou ae ee ae eee acres } : a en ee sells Wi denbhe tte sAtbiahtient Cnn ob the shaun, Me Eberhart, has ordered pressure regulator valves for some of the fountains, and I am wonder~ ing if it would be possible to get one for this fountain. FASE “‘Dareetor of Physical Education. : | : i ‘ Gah ily ue ub i : Wis ira Ta iH 1 dali na Hal it a tage 1 : i ge a i Hi! Uyedg Gee staat a [ , yee a i aly | dat Pel ng wal i 1 es en le iia be ii gias ayb Page. "gal 4 aki ale ge yay? mee ity Wie dig ae 332 9 yagedh heel ae Wn ; November 4, 1937 « : \ Department of Buildings and Grounds _* ‘University of Kansas : In view of the fact that we are unable to secure Departmental Order nage from the Universit Business Office, I am hereby making request for two signs for this off specifications for which have been given to : nters. The estimated cost will be about 99,00. Director of Physical Bduecation. INVOICE THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS _ AND GROUNDS ; Lawrence, Kansas,......... Se 193.7. Your Order No......- ue reais Our Job No........ ae 15-6420 1-35—10M DATE : AMOUNT He etricien - lock on cage door Electrician « ~ wiring for electric clock l=W. P. Socket 1 «attach. female part * * Move charge K. U. 89 - Dr. Allen i - key - towel rm. ; 2 = keys = outside door & 206B INVOICE THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Lawrence, Kansas,.....-....-- Nows..30..0000 193-2... Your Order Now aes Our Job No.--. nae 15-6420 1-35—10M. DATE AMOUNT 3 ‘two signs | for Office shEBess April 15, 1988. irre Ce Ge Bayles, Superintendent, Buildings and Grounise Dear lite Bayless I am lenving this morning for a trip south, swing. ing over to Atlanta, Georgia, for the American Association CS wanted to seni you a Mttle Mester gift in iia on of the many idindnesses you have extended to us. We are indeed grateful for the things you have done to make our work here in the gymasiun moro pleasant. 3 With best wishes for the Baster season, I am Director of Physical Education, 1 Navetty Paskottall Conthe . lire Ge Gy Bayloa, Superintendent, Buildings and Grounds Deer Mre Bayles: tis nfo Mansi qiaatil: Se the tan ot yeler dagen ; who have responded so cheerfully to our needa here in the | gymmasiun. sang Bi ne SM owe, etetinte the eh carpenters, electricians, head garden, ant others who have commected with our wolferdé? Kindly extend to then my best Daster grestingse Thaaking you, and with best wishes, 1 a Ddrector of Physieat Bduoatsoniy