THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence BUSINESS OFFICE Karl Klooz, Bursar June 13, 1944. To Head of Department Addressed: The State Business Manager is calling our attention to the ever increasing number of emergency purchases made by the institutions under encumbrances authorized by the State Business Manager. The fact that emergency purchases are made by the institu- tion under encumbrances authorized does not in any way relieve the re- sponsible parties at the institution from following the procedure as outlined in the General Statutes of Kansas for making purchases. This requires that purchases shall be competitive. I want to call your attention to the requirement of securing approval from the Business Office before ordering in making an emergency purchase. Whenever you make an emergency purchase, in order to meet the General Statutes of Kansas requirement, you should secure if possi- ble three written bids, or three telephone bids, to support your pur- chase. If the purchase is non-competitive or there is only one source of supply or personal selection has been made, please so indicate on your purchase request. Hereafter, it will be necessary that all emergency purchases be covered by triplicate invoices; therefore, when making an emergency purchase please request the firm or supplier to furnish invoice in triplicate. Just a word about purchases following regular routine. Anticipate your needs from two to four weeks in advance and your emer- gency purchases will be few. All purchase requests should be accompa- nied by quotations from at least three sources. If you are able to secure only one bid and wish the Business Manager to secure others, attach three additional quotation sheets with items desired typed on them. If you have only one quotation and it is non-competitive, or personal selection has been made, please so indicate on your purchase request. These are difficult and trying times in making purchases but I wish to thank you for your cooperation in making purchases that are to the best interests of the University, and still meet the re- quirements of the law. Yours very KK: IW