a LEASE—FARM PROPERTY—Waiving Exemption, Etc. : (No.60A) —_—s&#E J. Boyles, Publisher of Legal Blanks, Lawrence, Kansas bout, Spe 6 LZ Eaade of Wien. Late vas This Wease, rw 0 AL [e boos 1 Gir __ v.42 by __ 22 XO A preset of the first part, to eed A Ablow - CO cacetes Chegecsale Ekicteatiorn- Uaecvreraily, pe Jvaaedad- of the second part: A Wiitnessetb, That the said Se the first part, in consideration of the rents, covenants and agreements of the said part. a of the second part, hereinafter set forth, do_4&__by these presents, GRANT, LEASE and RENT to the sai Scr Se the second part, the following described property, situated in the County of _—2¢/_ Ace and State of Kansas to-wit: of file ftotthe bt ze gucarter. of pbaeticnr.|-Jercre: /3. G.- tie L Deas. | coe Ban | Sa ee ee ea zs ! | | oy | | | | | Pees i TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME unto the said part of the second part, from the @2 | | i | vey Afrck 1942, to the Zarate y of wd and the said soerae amas the second part, in consideration of the leasing of the premises as above set forth, | ) | | covenants and agrees ‘with the said — the first part, to pay to the said a -___.of the first part, =| a heirs and assigns, as‘tent for the same, the... rent or sum of | ees [ee DOLLARS, © ; / : | in payments as follows, to-wit: er ) Mae eg LEE LPL, | ) es ) os BG Ob OUTS girs PeeriirGy Me | | cate EEE i ceisbte i a ae an a at ie i i a a a cl i ai ae j