Noverber 19, 1941 Mr. Charles F. MoCreight - Business Office Frank Strong Nell Campus Dear Mr. MeCreight, Lest evening when I went to the back of the gymnasium I found & red tag on my car with Offense No. 4 checked on it. This is the offense of parking in the wrong zones | fhis fell when I applied for a K.U. license, ny secretary asked that I be given the parking mne behind the gymnasium end that, I believe, is Zone 1. My license number is RUl--83. I have been parking in this cone all semester and that is where my car was last s There has been too much indiscriminate tagging recently, and the football boys who do it-have been doing more harm than good since persons receiving the tags have come to regard them as nothing at all and tear them up when they find them on their cars. I feel that some steps should be taken to stop this unnecessary . Gincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation - FcA/pe ‘Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach