September 26, 1941. ir, Karl Flooz, Bursar, University of Kansas. Dear Mr. Klooz: | I acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 25th instant, and I will of course be very happy to cooperate in all the matters that you discussed. However, I desire to state that I had a call from Bal Jeffrey last Yonday esking me to come to Topeka ‘ ané take luncheon with Pr, Kirkpatrick and him. It was in regard to competitive athletics, and I bought the luncheon. They were interested in helping with the ath- letic situation and they wanted my advice on some matters. I did not get a receipt at the Pennant, and I drove my own car. It is impossible for me to get a ree ceipt because I did not know then about the regulation, and I am asking you how this should be handled. In all — other matters I will follow your advice as outlined by Richard S. Wyler & Company. ; j Thanking you for your letter, I am Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache