Military Ceordinater, University of Kansas. Pear Professor Axe: ; ice ion iacions it Shin Od tniy 6-08 wleineiea sett @ month, it is necessary for us to lmow something of their requirements for physical sondl ti oning. Will they be issued ae clothing, and if so, will it consist of more than the — shorts, shirt and. si asa 5 I em dates this question so that we will know what sort of baskets to previde for then in the check reome -At the present, we are using the large football baskets . for the Navel Aviation Cadets, and the smaller wire beskets for the Y-12 students. If, however, they should be issued warmups, or sweetsults, then ™ do not see how ‘we can take onre of them in these small baskets. oe It was my thought thet if the Army issues ite stud ents « full outfit, ineluding the sweatsuits, we will have te, purehese large checking baskets similar to those used at swimming pools. It is very doubtful if we could get wire baskets, and we might have to purchese the wooden baskets ~ about like a half—bushel basket without handles. X I will appreciate any infermation you can sive me at your carliest —— : Sincerely yours, Direster ef Physical Education, Varsity Basket Coach.