is the coming of the 700 Amy An12 stulente within a month, it is nocessary for us to know something of their require- ments for physical conditioning. Will they be issued gym clothing, and if so, will it consist of more than the gym shoes, shorts, shirt and supporter? Tem asking this question so that woe will know what sort ee ene Oe an eee At the present, | are using the large football baskets for the Naval Aviation alee, Gok ANA cout iakr wtkine Neuiodte fas Ste WR whshectn. if, however, they should be issued warm-ups, or sweatsuits, then I _ do. not sco how wo can take care of then with these small baskets. it was my thought that if the Army issues its stulents a full outfit, Ecsta Gis seuaciahdinn, ae kts Yenee te aaeeen large checking baskets similar to those used at swimaing pools. It is very doubtful if we could get wire baskets, and we might have to purchase the wooden baskets - oe ) basket without handles. I will appreciate any informtion you can give me at your earliest convenience. ne Sincerely y ours, Director of Physical Bducation, Varsity Basketball Coach.