WAR PRODUCTION BOARD Appenp1x 2 oF INSTRUCTIONS LIST OF CLASSES OF OPERATING SUPPLIES FOR USE IN PREPARING SECTION B-1 PD-408 (Individual items of operating supplies should be grouped according to the classes indicated. Classes not appearing on the list may be added as needed) Abrasive Products, such as wheels, stones, paper cloths and related prod- ucts (except industrial diamonds). Batteries (dry cell and storage, except flashlight batteries). Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, Washers, Screws and Cotter Pins, etc. Boxes and Crates, Nailed and Wire Bound. Metal Cans, Containers, Drums, Bar- rels,. Pails: Cooperage, slack and tight. Cork Products, gaskets, washers, etc., including lagging, pipe covering, gaskets and washers, daubers, textile cots. Cutlery as defined in WPB Order L-140 such as Knives, forks etc.; food process- ing cleavers, knives, etc. for preparation of food; knives, forks, etc. for serving food. - Dental Instruments and Supplies. Medical Instruments and Supplies. Tools, edge, such as: axes, hammers, hatchets; chisels and other woodwork- ing-tools; machine knives, except metal cutting; manually and power operated woodcutting saws. Tools, hand—except mechanics’ hand service tools, such as: Forks, hoes, rakes, Jsuch as: and farm hand tools; blacksmith anvil tools and other heavy forged hand tools; shovels, spades, and scoops; wheelbar- rows; and forges. Tools, mechanics’ hand service, such as: metalworking chisels; metal cutting snips and shears; pliers, screw drivers, and wrenches; bolt cutters and screw extractors; and industrial tool boxes. Files and rasps. Flashlight Cases, metal, electric lan- terns, lantern frames. Engineering and drafting supplies, drawing pens, plumb bobs, etc. Electrical Supplies, Fuses, Sockets, Wall Switches, etc. Incandescent and fluorescent tubes. Office Supplies. Hardware, Builders, such as Door locks, trim and keys; cabinet locks, hard- ware and hinges; sash pulleys and bal- ances; spring hinges and lavatory hard- ware; and miscellaneous shelf, screen, and window hardware. Hardware, transportation equipment, Marine hardware including hinges, locks, cleats, pulleys, and turn- backs for use in ships; vehicle hard- Light ware, railroad hardware,. except track accessories. Hardware, except builders and trans- portation equipment, such as saddle and luggage hardware; furniture and refrig- erator hardware; mail receivers and boxes. Protective Coatings, nishes, Shellacs, etc. Rubber Products (except tires, tubes, hip boots, and heavy industrial foot- ware). Identification Tags, Metal Plates, Badges, Emblems. Safety Equipment, masks, machine guards, industrial goggles, helmets. Silverware and Plated Ware, exdépt Plated Ware as defined in WPB Order L140. Welding Rods, Electrodes, Etc. Leather Products, belting, packing, gasket and other items for machine use. Faucets, fitting and plumbers special- ties. Communications equipment and acces- sories. Photographic equipment and acces- sories. Paints, Var- GPO—War Board 3696B—>p. 3