February 7, 1940. Mis Karl Xlooz, Bursar, University of Kansas Dear Myre Flooz: I wish to present for your consideration a change in the fees now charged for Physical Education courses ‘$67 end 68. _ $tudente are now charged a fee of 71.50 in these two coursese ‘Some of the students enrolled in these courses are aise enrolled simultaneously in 31-352-33~or 54m, and they pay a fee of $2425 plus 91.00 deposit for this courses | Since there are no materials used in courses 467 end “68 to warrant charging them $1.50, in addition to | ‘the $2425, it seems reasomable to us that students enrolled ¢ , tewell and locker feces If students are enrolled in 67 or 68 thout also enrolled im one of the 30-series courses, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coacthe