COPY Re &. ELLIOTT ARMS CO. Kansas City, Mo. July 25, 1945 Dr. Forrest C. Allen 3 % of Physical Education University of Kensas — | Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Thanks a lot for your inquiry regarding the purchase of athletic equipment for the Army Specialized Training Program. | Now Phog, the suggested prices at which you are supposed to buy this equipment are ee ree Oe Ae Tee Per ee Oe preenY rey oe We assume that possibly the department has notified you of some method of purchasing this equipment from the manufacturers so that prices can be furnished somewhat in line with those listed. However, let me say that wiile we have been distributors of —- gome of the largest factories in the United States, we just want to say that a great Se equipment are far under what this type of merchandise costs us. However, Phog, that is not the problem so much as the problem of getting delivery. SR ee eee See Se ee ee such items as sweat olothing it is our understanding that the entire production most factories is now taken up. util the month of December, and this production is taken up on very high priority. : r words if we were to place an order with our factory for sweat clothing today, it would probably be December or January before that clothing arrived. ; We have orders in with the factory now that have been there for five and six months, on which we are trying to get delivery. : We think that the problem that you have in obtaining this merchandise is to get it where you can as quickly as you can, and if we can be of any help or have any item in this line on which you might request a bid from us, we will only bid on such an item on which we are fairly sure of being able to make a delivery that is not too late for your requirenents. | Let me say that at present, however, it is almost impossible to make any guarantee of deliveries in any reasonable length of time. 7 Certainly appreciate your interest in writing and if I can be of any service in helping you obtein this equipment do not hesitate to call on mo, : H e Yours very truly, Re Se ELLIOTT ARMS C0, | By: (Signed) J. Re Elliott —