CORRECTED OF 2 NOTE: ASF Circular No. 71, being dispatched by mail, will not be transmitted by teletyre.s (Cir, 70) ASF Circular ) Headquarters Army Service Forces, Noe 70 ) ; Washington 25, De Ce, 2 September 19436 Section Educational discounts on textbooks, drafting, inedical, dental, and veterinery instruments, slide rules, and other trainee supplies----+----- wenn nH wee enn oa----- wee een nae Conversion from crude to the svuthetic rubbers-<-<<<F TRA VCN- ER SS UP POLI ES . ACOH ES i ViE> oA CP -E os FIRS OAD OM ATER 1 ALS ‘Yao iter wettioned Sn Ge fine’ part of of his lotter has been taken care of. We hve mailed to the Bike Web Company the statement signed by Col. Washing- ton certifying that the supporters are for the personal er ee ee ee ee Progriille In regard to tho AA-S priority certificate, I would suggest that you check with Karl Kloog and trace this through It might facilitate shipment. Director of Physical Bdueation, Varsity Pasketbell Coach. August 5, 1943. Mr. Bud Widick, Atchison, Kansas. Dear Bud: I am in receipt of you letter of the 4th instant, a, bag De. Sten oe Mee te Ce ee ‘has been sert to the Bike Web Company. It, me wigh Se ee ees thee ; ¢ Seociintindlyy quh an Geek with Deo ert Sith, the University coordinater for the Awl2Z progrer, with regard to the AA-S priority certificate required for the T-shirts, socks and pants. I have asked him to trace it and & feel sure you will receive it in a very short Director of viakatis Education, Varsity Raskotball Coach. — ale ATHLETIC ATHLETIC Goops ©. Svsurruies TCHISON, KANSAS 201- 209 MaAaAIA STREET August 4, 1943. Dre Fe Ceo Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. Dear Doc? I have just received a communication from the Bike Webb Company, that before releasing shipment of the supporters on your order for the Aymy Trainees, that it would be necessary for you to sign a state- ment that the merchandise is for the exclusive use of the Trainees or University Fitness Program. They advise me that they sent you one of these state- ments direct from the factory and if you will sign it and return it to them, they will make immediate shipment. Regarding the T-shirts, socks, and pants, I wish to advise that we will make immediate shipment of the socks and part of the pants just as soon as we receive your AAS priority certificate. As I explained, it will be necessary for us to have this certificate before we can even enter the order for T-shirts with the mill. Assuring you that I greatly appreciate your placing this business with me and with kindest personal regards, I am “ae truly, | Bud Widick, RHW:BM SNOWDEN MIZE ATHLETIC GOODS CO. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LAWRENCE EDUCATIONAL CLINIC READING AND STUDY LABORATORY August 5, 1943 Dr, F, C, Allen Physical Education Building Dear Mr. Allen: The revised schedule of the AST Program will cohtinue the refresher courses program of this week through Saturday and Monday. The late arrivals will be tested on Monday and registation and enrollment will be Tuesday, August 10. Classes will start Wednesday, August 11, in the regular term, incerely your ee 4, aL BAN/meo "Upon arrival at a training wnit, or as soon thereafter as can be arrenged, each trainee will — himself with the following items: 1 pair gymmasium shoes 2 pairs gymasium trunks 2 gymnasium shirts 2 athletic supporters 2 pairs athletic socks "At certain installations it may also be desirable that trainees have some, or all, * the following additional items: l sweat shirt l pair sweat pants l pair swimming trunks "For purposes of anticipating costs the following estimates, based on the lowest whole- sale prices for the articles as specified, may be used. Handling charges would be in addition to these prices. ae Shoes, similar in design to the U.S. Rubber Company shoe commonly lnown, as the 'Big Leaguer', or equal, including black duck upper, molded rubber sole, built-in flexible arch, cushion heel, arch insole, white laces, side stays, pull proof eyelets: $1.85. bo Gym trunk, Cramerton Army Khaki No. 1 shade or equal, 9-ounce cloth, full cut with saddle seat, draw-string waist: $.90 each. ce Gym shirt, white, medium weight, flat stitched with quarter sleeves: $.25 each. d. Athletic supporter, Bike No. 5 or equal: $.25 each. @e Socks, cushion foot, wool and cotton, 6-inch top: $.30 per pair. f. Sweat shirt, lle-lb. material, oxford Brey, fleece lined, crew neck, knit bottom: &.75. Se Sweat pants, ll-lb. material, oxford grey, fleece lined, draw-string waist, tie bottom: $1. he Swim trunks, wool and cotton mixed, —— waist, built-in supporter, no leg inseam: $.75. “If suitable costumes of other design or material are available, there is no objection _ to their use. However, uniformity of dress within a unit is desirable. "If difficulty is encountered in obtaining the necessary items through usual channels, attention is invited to the following: ae Authority has been granted to use a priority rating of AA-3 on Preference Rating Certificate, Form PD-3A, for purchases from unit funds. On the Form PD-3A, in the Army and Navy Munitions Board Code Noe, or authority section, the following will be inserted: ‘Ist Inde A.NeMeBe, 6-18843, JSLe! bo PD=-3A Certificates will be prepared in quintuplicate and when the purchases involved do not exceed $500 the original only will be signed by the commandant in the space marked ‘Countersignature and title of U. S. Government official', and the copies will be disposed of as follows: | (1) The original will be sent direct to the supplier, that is, the commercial concern furnishing the supplies, (2) The duplicate copy will be forwarded through the service command ‘ having jurisdiction to the Director, Army Specialized Training Division, Army Service Forces, Room 2E-640, The Pentagon, Washington 25, Do C. (3) The triplicate need not be forwarded when purchasing from mit funds and when the amount involved is less than $500. (4) The quadruplicate need not be forwarded when purchasing from unit funds and when the amount involved is less than $500. (5) The quintuplicate will be retained by the issuing officer . (when under $500, the commandant). This is the official War Department files copy and mst be retained for at least 6 months after the completion of the contract. Ce On purchases involving items exceeding $500, the PD-3A Certificates will be completed and forwarded, unsigned, through the appropriate service command, in quintuplicate; together with a covering letter, to the Director, Production Division, Army Service Forces, Attention, Chief, CMP Priorities Branch, for further consider- ation. d. PD-3A forms should be secured from the local War Production Board Office. If difficulty is encountered in obtaining them, request for a supply may be directed - to the commanding general of the service command having jurisdiction. ee For articles to be purchased from unit funds, the certificate prescribed by paragraph 3, Memorandum No. W350-82-43, this office, 1 April 1943, subject, Priority Procedure for Educational Institutions Under Contract with the War Department, is not required, 2e This is in line with the present policy of the War Department to require the train- ees to purchase their own equipment for physical training. Inasmuch as AST Units have no unit funds, it probably may be necessary for the College to purchase this equipment in quantity on the priority mentioned above and then in turn to be sold to the trainees. For the Commanding General: H. He Slaughter Colonel, GSC Director, Training Division ee Section Time Days Number of Students No. on Monday A 830-1020 MF 86 two sections 175 B 1030-1220 MF se *% ans Cc 1330= 3:20 MAF 86 * reo. 175 D 3:30= 5:20 MNF 86 . 8 | 175 8B 8250-10320 MTT 86 ro 8 Fr 10230-12320 Met a6 moe @ 1:30= 3:20 wt té«G © Y i 3:30=- 5220 MIT 86 _~*" 708 Dressing facilities for A-12 Men. tf Hoch dudl torium is wed for the 1 A~18 program in physical conditioning, the following retisienetiine tans are made conserning dressing rout, showers, etce | ae The additional load imposed ‘upon existing diane and drossing facilities in Robinson Gym would be too great, therefore it is recommended that Arl2 boys report to physical education classes in gym cunuielt ready for work. This acne _ be easy for the A-12 boys since Lindley Hell is almost as close to Hoch petttevien as is Robinson Gym. The d-12 boys sn change clothes in Lindley Hall before and after class. Showers will be available there. This plan would eliminate oll problems of handling equipment, crowded dressing rooms, ete., since the boys would be “at home" in Lindley Hall and ork take care of their own problems relating +o dressing and ccbiiibitene. valuable, showers, wii - ts a / A OO SJ ny es (a ue hy force Rat ek) Ie vo x, / —~ 6 ) } y Fi ¢ oy A ss ? j oO “~ g af 7 a: / ay we ~ ) } ae ) : | ees J tet ee oe Fo nel ‘ BH wo Near Ne WAR DEPARTMENT Army Service Forces Headquarters, Seventh Service Command Omaha, Nebraska 13 July 1943 Wearing Apparel for Physical Training Activities, Army Specialized Training Program. 1. « - - it is highly desirable that trainees wear appropriate clothing for the activities in effect under this program. 2e « e eUpon arrival at a training unit, or as soon thereafter as can be arranged, each trainee will provide himself with the following items: 1 pair gymnasium shoes 2 pairs gymmasium trunks 2 gymnasium shirts 2 athletic supporters 2 pairs athletic socks 3. At certain installations it may also be desirable that trainees have some, or all, of the following additional items: 1 sweat shirt l pair sweat pants 1 pair swimming ‘tunks 6. If difficulty is encountered in obtaining the necessary items through usual channels, attention is invited to the following: a. Authbrity has been granted to use a priority rating of AA-3 on Frefer- ence Rating Certificate, Form PD-3A, for purchases from unit funds. « « » be PD-3A Certificates will be prepared in quintuplicate and when the purchases involved do not exceed $500 the original only will be signed by the Commandand in the space marked 'Countersignature and title of U. 5S. Government official,¥ .... This is in line with the present policy of the War Department to require the trainees to purchase their own equipment for physical training. Inasmuch as AST Unite have no unit funds, it probably may be necessary for the College to purchase this equipment in quantity on the priority men- tioned above and then in turn to be sold to the trainees. ARMY SPECIALIZED TRAINING DIVISION PROGRAM OF PHYSICAL TRAINING Objective Organization. ae Institutional personnel to conduct physical training . . . be Six hours each week, consisting of three periods of two hours each, are to be devoted to the physical training program. In addition, trai nees electing to do so should be encouraged to devote part of their daily and week-end periods of free time to training for, or participation in, intramural sports. Ce e e e schedule must be integrated with the academic and military training schedules to the end that classes may be conducted throughout each day. de « « program should begin immediately upon the assignment of trainees to classes, and should develop progressively throughout training courseGe Se eo ¢@¢ e@ ®@ Standards By the end of the first week tests should be made to screen out those who of e Prog qual require special training. Further tests are to be made at the end ach term (and at such other tines as may be desired) to measure ress and to determine when those of inferior development may be ified to participate in the general program. The physical efficiency testing program is designed to measure the principle factors in general physical fitness which are strength, endurance, agility and coordination. l. ae Se 4. De 6. Te 2 @ Repo conc Push-ups - average performance, 23 times. Squat Jumps (32 times) Sit-ups (33 times) Pull-ups (8 times) : 100 yard pick-a-back (26 seconds) Burpee test, 20 seconds (10 times) 300 yard run (46 seconds) rts of trainees' physical efficiency texts are to be submitted at the lusion of each 12-week term. Forms will be provided. There should be such additional testing in the area of aquatics as may be necessary to classify trainees for instructional purposes. Non-swimmers, inadequate simmers, and satisfactory swimmers should be segregated and assigned * The to appropriate programs of instruction. following War Department publications are to be used as the basis of instruction: (1) Training circular No. 87WD (2) FM 21-20 Basic Field Manual - Physical training (3) TM 21-220 Technical Manual - Sports and Games 4. Suggested Program. Suggested that the first four weeks be devoted to general conditioning, testing, and orientation with a sampling of all basic activities. For remainder of first term, . . trainees should be assigned to activities in which their deficiencies are greatest . . After first four weeks activities be grouped into:four basic areas as follows: 1. Aquatics 2. Combatives 5. Gymmastics and obstacle courses 4. Team sports Daily program should begin with a period of calisthenics or other conditioning exercises for a period of approximately 15 minktes followed, whenever practicable, by a short run. During second and each succeeding term all trainees except those who may require further special work in general conditioning should be assigned to two of the four basic areas for training. . .. It is expected that each trainee will receive training in all four areas of activity before his course is concluded. e « e Intremural contests in competitive team sports be strongly encouraged. It is anticipated that as early in the course as competitive groups can be organized, much of the Saturday afternoon free time could be devoted to such contests. — eee be , . “ah oupiiaiin Snatitbattiens $4: iniy olan te Anite that trainces have some, or all, of the following additional items: : eee as | 1 pair swiemine trunks “For purposes of antleipati sed Whey Beate etnias based on the lowest whole- iw Handling charges would be in lay im design te the US. Rubber Company shoe ecrmonly inown as = ‘Big Leaguer’, or equal, including black duck upper, molded rubber sole, built-in 2 Se ee ster Cresmeton | y Khalid, No. 1 shado or equal, G-ouncse cloth, full out atte $290 enoh. Ge , , ight, flint etitohed with quarter sleeves: §.25 each. de etie supporter, Bah los 8 or equal: 8.25 each. @. Sooke, om foot, wool otbon, Geinoh top: §.50 per pair. . fo ._ pjecnpacasane pen eereaA bottom: » Neo Ps Teri th ad \estliin: sieiiik Gein walla sethinstes teeames no leg imeem: §.75. A2e saitaiiie Gaahens of ether design oy setevicl are wvatlubies Cave in no ehjestion to their use. However, uniformity of dress within a unit is dest “T¢ ‘Lou. te mocmtered in obtaining te nooossary (tens through uma) chemeley, aviation is nite bo Se no ~ a sa @» Author’ been eranted to use ® pricrity rating of AA~S on Preferense Rating Certificate, Porm PD-3A, for purchases from mit funds. On the Form Pr-GA, in the Suny — end Navy Munitions Board Code Noe, or authority sestion, the following will be iuserted: — ist Inde AcleMeBe, G18~-45, JSle' | Be an nas caaeee Game ten ertGees cnt Wik te algned by Oe sium tt nee ee rig ‘WAL be signed by the commandant in the ste tle of 1. Se Government official’, end the copies (4 , : : . joes ae ene nder 00, Ge sunnier’). es : Pr : fied . - atver the completion of the ountrast. , oa Co cn urehanes involving tens enveating (600, the P™=5h Certisioates will be ‘ : : together with a covering letter Mevcoken Fuamenehen. Wavkelon, iin service Ferese, Attend on Chief, ce Priorities Drench, for further mi a. PD=GA forms should be seowred from the leoal Wey Production Board Office. If diffioulty is encountered in obtaining then, request for a | : may be direoted _ to the commanding general of the service comand having urisd , . For articles to be purchased from unit funds the ertifionte prescribed by paragraph 3, Menovendum No. WS60-82-68, this office, 1 April 1948, subjeot, Priority ees ee eee Institutions Under Contract with the var Department, is not