DEPOSITED WITH THE CASHIER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS CAPO ek es ess ee a ee a a Checks (List each check or draft separately) #3¢be Sel..of Chretien /\s\e= 16-8223 6-37—7M j J. A. MERMIS, WALTER A. HUXMAN, BUSINESS MANAGER STATE OF KANSAS GOVERNOR MARK KROUCH, ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER OFFICE OF STATE BUSINESS MANAGER STATE HOUSE TOPEKA October 10, 1938 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical #ducation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: The repair of footballs, basketballs, and other athletic equipment as mentioned in your letter of the 8th inst. can be very easily taken care of by sending us a Purchase Request made out to the firm that you select and best equipped to do the work. The Purchase Request should show the actual cost to the state, and by so doing, more spsedy action can be had. Very truly yours, -—“ Mark Krouch Asst. Business Manager lata Vii} e MK :G CCs Karl Kioog September 27, 1938. find necessary to use occasionally. The car is a 1936 Oldsmobile, Kansas license I should greatly appreciate it if I may be granted permission to park the Oldsmobile behind Robinson Gymmasiune Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach ; 3 | igtea® ¢ i ai i Bb Hi Hin iss H ih fara pal}, .# dep Menitdatety ja Fw ase Hey Uae En, i ie ie sda Pea eae, Ha i ‘iin! ut ba 3 September 3, 1933, Ure Karl Klooz, Bursar, Dear Mre Kloog: I an attaching herewth Purehase Request Noe 1208 for one Venetian Blind. | tie have one double window in ny office, on oe eee ee ee gp ggg. ae window makes it hot in small rocns ac ee ee stallation of this bl Suit ca Ge atin o much more pleasant to work. I trust that the ete Dareotor of Physical Education, THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence Office of The Chancellor July 1, 1938 TO HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS: Your attention is called to the application of Senate Bill, No. 86, Chapter 71, Special Session, 1938, which requires that all purchases shall ” ——e immediately to the proper appropriation. iotine under the bill,. the State Board is rescinding, as of July l, the minutes of January 7, 192k, which authorized institutions to make minor purchases not to exceed $25. This means that hereafter no one will be able to make a purchase of any kind, or for any amount, without advance authori- gation. In addition, overdvad’ in maintenance allotments is not to be per= mitted. In_ the ‘event of an emergency or unusual ar eer Es however, appeal may be made to the Budget Committee. The State officials do ant intend that the new law hinder the work of the institutions in any way. Accordingly, they have worked out a. procedure which is relatively simple and designed to minimize, as far as possible, inconvenience to purchasing officers. Under this procedure, the department head will send to the University Business Office an.order for the- materials desired, using a new form, the, Purchase Request. This Purchase Request, ag approved by the Business Office, will be forwarded immediately to the © State Business Manager, at Topeka, who will award the contract. In case it seems advantageous to,purchase the materials locally, or in case of real emergency, the regulations provide that the Bursar may authorize purchases, subject to confirmation by the Topeka office. In. either case, however, the Funshaae Request must be submitted to the Bursar. “In order to avoid ianoniunhatialie and interruptions of work, depart- ments will find it advisable to anticipate their needs as far in advance as possible. Until the law has been in operation for several months it is expected that minor problems will arise, in a case the departmental purchasing officer should consult with the Bursa Experience with the law may indicate that modifications in the nn are advisable or necessary. Your full cooperation during the next few months will be very helpful to the Bursar and the State officials in making these adjustments. Cordially yours, E. H. LINDLEY, Chancellor ececnss a qouL tary ssabsanesie no spe 8 Te : ion ane sat ‘ ak Téa wok ruqreupe SuUp wogTEresgrawe ym gre LoBryusrows we Ge ie ; | bra voyue < G42. oer aponyy Gowen] ¢ arey oye — oo ayer wel aay gdauuce mu oe tant peer ery] aeng #0 bah ony sate OT "— ae “377 rcp re —— ie ovens ouq conte °° patncsi sa" . #2 bogezpye’ ae o) epe 71 vepygretone yo eva WoR* yoQougy wEya gira puae ‘eatieg ong @ Heocegnte Ss 7 “ee eevee OLTTeTeys qo wee yupeug FPue - won 7 ea eye per: OF, : * meh 9 mage £O- ete prgteg gouwrgg o8- 4 — 7 urgeeg’ fh pre eases Of SO eneLGench of pureney exeiee ae ponaaoy: mbexy 5 Tou* {8 @egreror . OASLGRILES FV BI TRPEMPNCS, grrecemres. 78 | ; $e pe: _ #@ yee & biv.cpywed oF . oh eye? Qh 20k: uA bis > at ppoag shadbor SEP hanoywacd woe 26, exces Ps gpa wesw. epee “"ponceypex MO OMS “PPT pe’ ‘tore fhe wun eee of qmeresk 1°. rp if aproy gapponrsey yeogpersroug whe were mers vc ve oeak ages. $80 Pe ie fe aenes, BOeEG re — we O%, yn. ig pe cyenGeq ram cresrge ys se eRe. obe, vhbsolnze gg om ; Gpebegex iy” & ecysy gees yu ya2g": mpror pyey w7T ——— ayers 3 Pines SER SIETH TR y Nes ies eps = o% QGvILS ie Ya a DEPOSITED WITH THE CASHIER OF a THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS By (Psa staat _......Dept. CUO ee ee ae ee es We ee : Checks (List each check or draft separately) Hig 24 BL acti t, 32lelo aS SAE |o = : Ee Sag. 198%. : d all the aboye listed ite - July 22, 2958. the first of September, 19586 Director of Eduoation, KARL KLOOZ, BURSAR THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE BUSINESS OFFICE JUNE tenth 1-838 TO THE DEPARTMENT HEAD ADDRESSED: This month being the last month of the fiscal year and it being necessary to pay for all services for June out of this fiscal year’s funds, the time for sending in your eee oll is being changed from the 21st to the 3 so t the whole month's time can be included in one payroll. Please send in your irregular time sheets to this office so they will reach our office by the evening of June 30th and not later than noon July ist, sure, Please notify your people that the payroll will be ready for signature by the morning of July 2nd and will close the evening of July 6th, and that it is absolutely necessary that they sign at the time designated if they wish their pay, as it will be impossible to pay them later. Thanking you for your cooperation in this matter, I an KK IMT ORIGINAL STATE OF KANSAS Fouu No: BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS AND BOARD OF REGENTS OFFICIAL RECEIPT Ne 123781 oe: lS % =a ee DOLLARS ge glee Seeee etre ee eee ee ee ee eee a te eee a POPS? = JIM. = | — Pe G0, A alee? Head of Department, Cashier or Steward. 15-5431 10-34—25M ; eee see eae pp enue encaoensaacae- ce ORIGINAL STATE OF KANSAS Form No. 49 BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS AND BOARD OF REGENTS OFFICIAL RECEIPT N°? : 1 ? 2 T 1 2 Lawrence, Kansas,......... a [si/3 & es es a eee SS. Received from Eas kad Lorbees ad NAL Pe ee ] \ poteioiee ‘ So ee des 9c cs 47 Lf 7 ee ere ° j 4 At Af _ & 4 ae in payment for... Bhd ee Ss Le wee D Head of ek or Steward. 15-5431 10-34—25M a A.C. C2Qann, fa we STATE OF KANSAS Form No. 49 BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS AND BOARD OF REGENTS OFFICIAL RECEIPT N? 12 0 8 e 9 oe —o ae oo / wm ee s eS ee me : : enc ee ee DOLLARS in payment for..-...--.. fii fe / ttIO0 oe ee Se ORIGINAL ence wee ne wee ence ceases cece wwe enw e cc bec cmc we eee ec ece cena cases cme S cence scene tena sn sec ccw esata ene Seat Hanan e Sines = Owen en nan ace nob 6cn 8805s 6066s 5 oS s Ke e wwe See e oe nme ne sees eed ess sees emasnscecesscue _ ees Head of Department, Cashier or Steward. . ~ oe 15-5481 10-34—-25M oo eZ. . ORIGINAL STATE OF KANSAS —— BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS AND BOARD OF REGENTS OFFICIAL RECEIPT fo 7-5 N° 119675 eninee Kansas, 020 =e. oo wp... Received from... (2AA.2.4.00 Lacemhe.... Orcecd ache <2 ee ts ee DOLLARS in payment £O0.__5. 2 ----.------+-----cee- cena enone eee eee nec ee reece ere enereeernnnentanneanennenntuegunenanianenatneneatnatatnanenatesasneapneneneenenensnnne ? Fe nae ee a ves eee eee 15-5431 10-34—25M Seared ape | SE eee J. A. MERMIS, BUSINESS MANAGER MARK KROUGH, — ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER © Wieten A. HUXMAN, STATE OF KANSAS GOVERNOR OFFICE OF STATE BUSINESS MANAGER STATE HOUSE TOPEKA March 25, 1938 ig eae ; Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: We have your letter of March 22 call- ing attention to the order placed with Bowen- Nuss-Brown Hardware Company for athletic supplies, and which up to date they have failed to £ili, I have taken this up with the above named firm, and they informed us that they have no record whatsoever of this order. They stated that in the event you would like to purchase same from them, they will make delivery in a week to ten days! time. On the other hand if you want to cancel the order, you have our permission to do so. Very truly yours Mark Krouch Asst. Business Manager dithegs’ i 1 : He adi ie og | | HIE a i | f 4 Heat Ny WL} I in iti is Hea sini Vovenber 1, 1937, Bowen-lluss-Srown Hardware Co,, Topeka, Kansas, Dear Sirs: On Septeniber 2 , 1957, we ordered from your firm 1 dozen 38" x 3° x thread, tarred tennis nets, drill bound, and 1/2 dozen 16 oz. hockey sticks, issn order No, A 5664, per your quotation of August 28, 957 « To date this order has not been filled, and as we are very much in need of this equipment I am writing to inquire about, May we hear from you by return mil? ‘Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, DIVISION GF PHYSICAL EDUCATION September 13, 1937, TO MEMBERS OF THE STAPF; . | The following letter has just been received from Mr. Karl Klooz, Bursar, Please note that the regular payroll is ready for signature on or before noon of the 16th of each month, "In order to distribute the flow of work through the State Auditor's Office in connection with writing the warrants, it is necessary that we change the date of sending in our pay- rolls, . "Hereafter, it will be necessary for the irregular pay- roll to be in the State Auditor's hands on the first of each month, instead of the twenty-third, Beginning with this month, you will kindly close your irregular payrolls on the twentieth of the month and have your payroll sheets in this office not later than 5 o'clock on the twenty-first of each month, "We again wish to call your attention to the necessity of having these payroll sheets in this office on or before the time set as above, It is necessary that the sheets be arranged by departments alphabetically and the names arranged alphabet- ically by the department, so that when any sheet is not in when ' it is time to close the se gots. we must hold up the entire pay- roll or leave out the sheet that is late, We especially urge your cooperation in this matter. | as "The time for sending in the regular payroll has also been moved forward so that it is necessary that we close the regular payroll for signature at noon on the sixteenth of each month, Beginning with this month, please request your depart~ ment staff members to be sure to sign the payroll on or before noon of the sixteenth. Your cooperation in this matter will also be appreciated, Yours very truly, Karl Klooz, Bursar," Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, ee: THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE BUSINESS OFFICE KARL KLOOZ, BURSAR Sep tember Pe 1937 Dr. Fe. C. Alien Department of Physical Education To the Coach Addresseds: Because of our very acute financial condition and since the Board of Regents have appointed myself as Business Manager of Athletics respon- sible for all financial matters and the need for following good accounting practices, hereafter no financial obligation will be considered against the Corporation unless there first has been a requisition issued covering same. Please place in the hands of Mr. Falkenstein all purchase requests. He will see that the purchase has proper approval and will issue the requisition when approved. Thanking you for your cooperation in this matter, I am Business Mana KKeg Jamary 28, 1938. iit i Director of Physical Edueations