February 2, 1959. yous Direstor of Education, Varsity Conche January 3, 1939. the an YOurss : ee ft B onl Ba bs Varsity Basketball Coache Thanking you, I an i. December Sl, 19385 FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Conch. Decenber 14, 1938, ong oo eat o i tl aig 1 7 fea Lt TD Mi ie fh Hila tie ii Decenber 14, 1938, Tirecter of } ! Varsity Coadhe J. A. MERMIS, BUSINESS MANAGER MARK KROUCH, ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER WALTER A. HUXMAN, STATE OF KANSAS GOVERNOR OFFICE OF STATE BUSINESS MANAGER STATE HOUSE TOPEKA December 13, 1938 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: We are enclosing herewith a letter received from the Johnston & Larimer Dry Goods Company, Wichita, Kansas, together with a copy of a letter from the Cannon Mills and copies of confirmation of orders. Please look this over and take it up direct with the Johnston & Larimer Company, advising them of your wishes in the matter, and be sure to return to them the confirmation forms. Any arrangement you may make with them will be satisfactory with this office, and we would like for you to send us a copy of your correspond- ence for our files. Very truly yours, Mark Krouch E Asst. Business Manager MK3G cc: Johnston & Larimer Co. Wichita, Kansas ENCS THE JOHNSTON & LARIMER DRY GOODS COMPANY Wichita, Kansas December 12th, 1938 Mr. Mark Crouch, Asst. Bus. Mgr.., Board of Administration Topeka, Kansas Dear Mr. Crouch: With reference to order No. 1466 for name woven towels for the Kansas Univerwity. We are in receipt of a letter from the Cannon Mills relative to letters to be woven on this towel. We are enclosing copy of this letter and would ask that you kindly give us your O.K. for this slight change. Yours very truly, C. We. Sutton Vice President (COPY) CANNON MILLS, INC. New York City December 9th, 1938 The Johnston & Larimer D. Ge. Coc, Wichita, Kansas Gentlemen: We are enclosing two copies of confirmation as follows: L 2586 PHYS. EDUC. U. OF KANSAS 1939 As you will note froma ttached confirmation, we have abbreviated the word "Physical" since the name as given on your order is too long to be woven in a 38" towel. We trust the way we have entered this item will be en- tirely satisfactory, but if not, may we have your sug- gestion. You will note also that we have changed the year numeral to "1939" as delivery calls for January of next year. If we are in error, kindly advise us when return- ing signed copy. To prevent any delay in the handling of your orders, it will be necessary for you to sign one copy of confirma- tion (with your company and individual's name) and re- turn to us promptly as orders may not go into produc- tion until this copy is received. At the same time we will appreciate your checking the enclosed confirmation carefully so that you may advise us if incorreét in any detail. Yours very truly, CANNON MILLS INC. November 26, 1938. idaiig Skis Hubodiete Dear Mire Krouchs Bt nee yr itd fie ils Be § 4333 y fit aud, dads? na if Te i 53: yours, sester of teretend Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches FCAsAH WALTER A. HUXMAN, J. A. MERMIS, STATE OF KANSAS GOVERNOR BUSINESS MANAGER MARK KROUCH, ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER OFFICE OF STATE BUSINESS MANAGER STATE HOUSE TOPEKA November 21, 1938 Forrest Ce. Allen, Director Physical Education Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: If, in your judgment, the cardtables from the Crown Drug Company meet with your requirements, it will be agreeable with this office for you to buy the four tables at $5.75 each. In making out the purchase request, please show thereon that this office has authorized the purchase. Yours very truly, 5 Mark Krou rr Assistant Business Manager MK :IN ¢ . gqese lj | i! tii Hef ak Be 4 i i A i We fp a i i i ou ft i a i , Mt i ag a a Noverber 50, 1 938_ lirecter of Physical Edusation, Varsity Dasketball Coach | 2ST J. A. MERMIS, MARK KROUCH, pcaonees ehatien ere STATE OF KANSAS a * pee x - WALTER A. HUXMAN, GOVERNOR ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER OFFICE OF STATE BUSINESS MANAGER STATE HOUSE TOPEKA November 235, 1958 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: We are enclosing herewith quotations and correspondence received against your Purchase Request 1221. Originally, POV 966 was issued to the Theodore Mayer Company of Chicago as per your request in your letter of October 12. On the purchase request you had indicated the estimated cost to be $2.50 a dozen and because you had personally interviewed the representative of that company previously, we assumed that the estimated price was also the actual cost. However, upon receipt of the order, the firm asked that they be allowed to increse their price to $3.00 a dozen. Feeling quite sure that we had concerns in Kansas that could bid on these towels for that price, we did not allow the increase at the time and have taken the additional time to secure four different bids. Owing to the range of price quoted, we hesitated to place the order until you have been given an opportu- nity to examine the samples. The samples are being sent to you today under separate cover. May we say here that it would be satisfactory to return Weaver's sample to them direct after you have made your selection. If you still feel that the Theodore Mayer towel is the one you desire at the increased price, of course we will be governed by your decision. We would like to see the towel bought from some within- state merchant if at all possible. Yours very truly, a i — Krouch = a. Assistant Rusiness Manaker MK : IN CABLE ADDRESS MAYCO™ DORE MAYER _ % ; ¢ | AND COMPANY // Q eS tton “fa brics ut . iY and Linen Ss Cas eeribrs and Importers CHICAGO, ILLINOIS PHONE WEBsTER 7860 - | November 22, 1938 University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Gentlemen: We again refer you to your order #966 calling for 100 dozen our style #35 Ribbed turkish towels. As per your advice, we contacted Mr. Mark Krouch for authorization to proceed with the above order at$3.00 per dozen but to date we have failed to receive a reply. Will you kindly advise if you nave been able to et this order corrected to the purchase price of 3.00 per dozen, Your attention will be greatly appreciated. Very truly yours, JM:M Mayco Means Satisfaction December 5, 1958.4 Me Karl Klooz, University of Kansase Dear tire Koons ao rsien.! November 8, 19386 inl i it i Ah; ff i aL i yours, Mirector of Physionl Education, Taratty Daatostiadl Conche Very ee i; eee ‘te TT RT ee aT Ta SUP RTI ATHLETIC & SPORTING GOODS CO. NINE TWENTY-FIVE WALNUT STREET - - KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI WHOLESALE & RETAIL » Ty5 Pa Rpoe et oP? A 7 UT. FOrrest Ve Alle be = /- : : a: ae oo > WE ° a Cv ¥ Kaneae Uni VELPSL i Ol AaNSaS bY omwypron Aaa K Oynaocs . aWLOSICS 9 ABGOisS asa + DL “ a. 4 97 a os ey - 4 tne required statement. I am sorry oe a a [a a maAaAD i 1t is to cause ’ a “| Ps aay ae iti é Yours Very + uly 3 v fy nes A TCT mth 9. “Dr DMNThin CaAhTia AR MeN RA A ek EN Oo we Un LENG WOULD UUs RV { if js ya ¢ r - a MS i dee et 48 8 ged a i th Rn ay il 1 it il i i 4 ay i tl ike i iit a YOUra, Very Tirestor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches October 16, 1938. October 3, 1938. Mark Eroush, soctetant Dusinies Tanager, State House, : Topelm, Nansase = Erouch: ms eh te Geek yes Tee fee ee ee of Septenber 30 concerning our purchasing ethlctic suppliess ‘T esaure you that we will be very careful in milking out our Purchase Requests for these supplies. Care will be. hen i on eee es ee oe quest exe the net stato conte siiks nocpeniliion sikeeh ot pak ti seni, eS ee Very sincerely yours, — eee Se FCAsA ee Ontober 8, 1938, Dear Mite Eroudhs : | I om venturing to onll your attention to another problem we are confromting in our Department of Physical Miucati ons Fran time to tine wo find it nocoesery to have 3 4 certain equipment repaired - such as footballs, basketballs, ae I should be glad to have your advice in this mtters rat yor oo to ire Karl Flooze J. A. MERMIS, WALTER A. HUXMAN, BUSINESS MANAGER STATE OF KANSAS GOVERNOR MARK KROUCH, «© ASST. BUSINESS MANAGER OFFICE OF STATE BUSINESS MANAGER STATE HOUSE TOPEKA September 30, 1958 Mr. Forrest Ce Allen Director of Physical #ducation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: We have a copy of the letter written Mr. Klooz regarding the manner of purchasing and the quality of the athletic supplies for your department. We are glad that this has been called to our attention and appreciate the fact that special care must be exercised in the selec- tion of equipment for a class such as yours. In the future and until otherwise instructed, it will be agreeable with this office that you make your own selection of athletic supplies. Send in your Purchase Request made to the firm or firms you desire the supplies to be bought from, together with a reference to this letter. Please be sure that prices indicated on the Purchase Re- guest are the net state cost. Trusting this arrangement is satisfactory with you, I am, Very truly yours, Mark Krouch Asst. Business Manager CO: Kerli Kioos October Gy 1956~ Ge if ~ — il ty il be uu i UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE F 4 DIVISION. OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND i f \ October 4, 1938. Dear Dre Allen: speatetinar MALES s d eee I should like to order eighteen fencing masks. We have approximately ten fencing masks at this time that are usable, and the average class enrollment in my fencing classes is twenty-five students per classe Obviously with aoe only ten masks we are seriously handicapped, and endanger the | ee students who must forego the use of the maske eae ume vet I am recommending that we purchase the masks from the Vince Fencing Equipment Company which would retail to us at a special price of $2.50 per maske I refer you to Mr. Vince's letter which you will find attached. Thank you very muche Sincerely, rn Rep MANUFACTURERS IMPORTERS JOSEPH VINCE COACH U. S. OLYMPIC FENCING SQUAD, 1936 202 East 44TH STEET New Yorx Ciry TEL. VANDERBILT 3-8455 October 4, 1938 Mr. Jim H-Raport University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Mr. Raports I wish to thank you for your kind order, and I am pleased to advise you that this has already been shipped yous We have received a request from Mr. Forrest Allen regarding the masks which you mention in your letter. I suggested to Mr. Allen, the #40 mask with metal finish as being a more suitable mask for classroom instruction. We have found in some instances that the black enamel chips and peels from the masks after they have been in classroom use for several months. To owrcome this; we have dipped the mesh in hot tin baths to prevent rust and to overcome the objection of this chipping. We are still working on a black enamel which will not chip and hope in the near future to have a satisfactory sole ution to this problem. Very truly yours VINCE FaNC EQUIPMENT, INC. - Olster October 12, 12506 that tho Theodore ago wil the State Couche heavy — cent his bi Very sincerely yours tirector of | Varsity Bs HA ie idl Hi i Ut 3 2 ety gi al ail a falta . ; E 8 é it irae H A ji 3