WAR DEPARTMENT Army Service Forces Headquarters, Seventh Service Command Omaha, Nebraska 13 July 1943 Wearing Apparel for Physical Training Activities, Army Specialized Training Program. 1. « - - it is highly desirable that trainees wear appropriate clothing for the activities in effect under this program. 2e « e eUpon arrival at a training unit, or as soon thereafter as can be arranged, each trainee will provide himself with the following items: 1 pair gymnasium shoes 2 pairs gymmasium trunks 2 gymnasium shirts 2 athletic supporters 2 pairs athletic socks 3. At certain installations it may also be desirable that trainees have some, or all, of the following additional items: 1 sweat shirt l pair sweat pants 1 pair swimming ‘tunks 6. If difficulty is encountered in obtaining the necessary items through usual channels, attention is invited to the following: a. Authbrity has been granted to use a priority rating of AA-3 on Frefer- ence Rating Certificate, Form PD-3A, for purchases from unit funds. « « » be PD-3A Certificates will be prepared in quintuplicate and when the purchases involved do not exceed $500 the original only will be signed by the Commandand in the space marked 'Countersignature and title of U. 5S. Government official,¥ .... This is in line with the present policy of the War Department to require the trainees to purchase their own equipment for physical training. Inasmuch as AST Unite have no unit funds, it probably may be necessary for the College to purchase this equipment in quantity on the priority men- tioned above and then in turn to be sold to the trainees.