LLY ar | BUREAU OF VISUAL INSTRUCTION UNIVERSITY EXTENSION DIVISION UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS NE SESSA SSE MM SESE SENSIS SAN SESSA SA SENL NLS LAL NAL SESE SESE MSL IZDASASL SL SENSO INAS SL SZ NLM ESE SLSLSENNE MSL SEN SERENE NL SL NL NE MEME SL SENS AL RL SL ACE YRV RV SBOE E SESS ESBS VMSA MARL A ALL Nd III IIIT ES DS Se RS LN III TEIN ICT TST March 1, 1940. Supplement to "Announcement of Visual Aids." Volume 40, September 1, 1939, Number 17. The following motion pictures have been added to the library since publication of the above mentioned bulletin. Index: 16 mm. Sound Rental Films .... Pages 1 - ’ 16 mm. Sound Industrial Subjects. Pages 8 - 9 March of Time Sound Films... . Pages 10 - ll 16 mm. Silent Rental Films ..-. Pages le - 13 16 mm. Silent Industrial Subjects Page 14 SENSES AES SLSL SSL SENSE SON SEN NEAL SESSA BEANE S SE MASEL NAIL SLMS SEMEN SESS SESE NSLS SL SLM BLS LAL AL MSL CS aR ENDED oe SESSA RESELL SA NES SLL WITT TNS “ TOBIN ITT SHIH os ITT SHES SIS ITT INTIS IN ITI Hs TOIT IN ANI IN OCTCIC INTC TN 4 ISTO IN TC IN IS TS IS TN IIT ICTS wo wy DITA IN TON 16 mm. SOUND MOTION PICTURES Titje Reels Rental Se : ————— Cine ADVENTURES OF BUNNY RABBIT 1 #2.00 ° Dramatizes the experiences of members of a family of rabbits. Mother Rabbit is shown feeding her newly born young in their burrow. She ventures away from home and meets a rabbit from an adjoining farm. A fox unsuccessfully pursues her back to her burrow. Later, in the woods, Bunny Rabbit confers with a fro:, scuirrel, and turtle while on his way to a farm to get soue lettuce. There he meets some cows, chicks, puppies, and turkeys before he is captured by the farmer, escapes, and finally returns home safely. (Erpi ) ANIMALS IN MODERN LIFE , 1 2.00 Reveals the present status of domesticated animals the world over. Shows the three principal reasons for their domestication--to furnish power, clothing materials, and food. Develops an appreciation of a world in constant evolution by showing changes in the various uses of animals. Picturesque illustrations of animals in the service of man throughout the world are used. (Erpi) BLACK BEAR TWINS 1 eal A family on vacation in the woods discovers two bear cubs, Teddy and Jenny. The bears are shown eating crickets and ants. The bears are shown investigating the dinner table which the family has in the open. After eating the table scraps the bears wrestle with each other. The cubs then investigate the tent, getting tangled up in blankets and puncturing a medicine ball. They then discover a hive of bees in top of a hollow tree. Attacked by the bees they retreat to a mud puddle. The bears then take a swim in the lake and disappear in the woods. (Erpi)