NEWS PARADE OF 1938 i 1.00 NEWS Chamberlain at Munich; Benes rejects Nazi terms; Sudeten occupied; New England hurricarie; other events of the year. PARADE OF 1939 a 2.00 War ends in Spain; Poland invaded; Warsaw bombed; nations declare war; Britain's navy; France's army; Tommies reach the front; Japanese barricade Tientsin concessions; rescue of the Squalus; Royalty's London home-coming; U. S. cruisers round Cape Horn; other events of the year. ORANGE GROWER A 2.00 Map showing production regions in U,' 5S. Necessity of mild climate. Budding process—-pruning the trees——trans— ferring trees from commercial nursery to orchard. The problems of a typical orange grower in raising the trees—- fertilizing the soil, fighting insects, irrigation, fight- ing frost with smudge pots. Harvesting the crop——packing house and preparation of fruit for shipment. (Erpi) POULTRY-NATIONAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2 3.00 A U.S.D.A. film showing the preparation of a national plan for a breeding program and pullorum disease control. How selectors are trained. How hatching eggs should be selected. The breeding program and how certified, R.O.P., and R.O.M. chickens are secured. The methods used for pullorum disease control. PUPPET MAKING AND OPERATING - 3.00 RAIN The construction of Type I puppets from beginning ‘to end. Construction of the finger stall, the cotton head filler, pulling a sock over the head filler and finger stall. Making the face of the puppet by sketching and painting. Fastening the hair in place. Making the dress. The construction of Type II puppets which differ in that they have built up features. The process of raising the features commences with making frames for eyes, nose, and ears from wire. Making paper mache to cover the frames. Moulding the features. Mixing of paint and decorating the features. A simple puppet theater is shown in the course of construction. A curtain is constructed and decorated. Methods of keeping the puppets on an even line during their action are clearly demonstrated. A short play is produced in which scenes from in front and in back of the stage are shown. ON THE PLAINS s 1.00 A U.S.D.A. picture of the southwestern dust bowl created by wind erosion. Illustrates how plowing, lack of water, and wind have caused dust storms that have destroyed the top soil. Methods of conservation--contour tilling, terrac-— ing, strip cropping, use of grasses, water reservoirs.