MARCH OF TIME 16 mm, SOUND FILMS IMPORTANT March of Time films cannot be used in any program where admission is charged. SEHRBHSEHESHHRHEERE SEE HES HEHEHE HASHES SH RESHEHHESHERHEHE SHES EHESHEHE RHEE HASHES Title - Length Rental CANCER, ITS CURE AND PREVENTION 216' $1.50 The efforts of medical researchers and volunteers to counteract the ignorance and fear with which cancer is regarded. CHILD LABOR AMENDMENT | 232! 1.50 The condition of America's working children and the issues involved in the fight over the Child Labor Amendment. CRIME AND PRISONS 347! 2.00 How the new rehabilitative technique of the U. S. federal. prison system is combatting the danger of mental and physical idleness, and how penologists are striving to save youngsters before they become hardened criminals. HEART DISEASE 3 gidt 1a Heart trouble, some of its causes, and how it is treated. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY 316! 2.00 How young criminals are made, and some of the measures being taken to reduce the number of criminals in the present generation of young boys. MAN AT THE WHEEL 433." ea 30 The alarming U. S. highway traffic accident problem and the "Three E" campaign of the International Association of Police Chiefs to solve it through education, enforce- ment, engineering. POLITICS AND CIVIL SERVICE 214! 1.50 Shows the spoils system at work in a U. S. city and the efforts of the National Civil Service Reform League to _ reform it. PROBLEM OF RELIEF 200! 1.00 A contrast between the meaning of relief to politicians and to relief recipients. PROBLEMS OF WORKING GIRLS 288! 1,50 The problem of out-of-town girls of little experience in finding satisfactory jobs in large cities and living on the money they earn. hs