ET Ry F — a —-~ —; = - CUTEST REEREeeenee — seen ™ - ware Course Suggestions for the Summer Session of 1942 by the Department of Physical Education 100 Community Recreation 3 hrs. Allen F— Theory and Practise Athletic Training 5 hrs. Allen at a or 201 Advanced Basketball 3 hrs. Allen “202 Administration of Physical Education 3 hrs. Elbel < 300 Special Problems in Physical Education 2=4 hrs. Elbel 9 “ x ,301 Seminar in Physical — 3 hrs. Elbel wis4 Content.and Method a es: Education 3 hrs. Elbel | There shee seems to be some demand for —— courses. We | would suggest several 3-hr. courses to meet three times each | week for one hour for g-hr. credit -- One could take two g-hr. courses for an hour credit. We could offer: Henne in «a Elem. Golf Elem. Tennis : Badminton | Elem. and Int. Sitensng (S each) © Recreative Sports oe Ah eH Miss Hoover does not know of any school where activity courses ( not for majors alone ) give graduate credit. x Offered as part of administrative work.