June 19, 1942. Dean Geerge B. Smith, Scheel of Education. Dear Deen Smith: Merely for your information I wish to give you a financial report on the all-school picnic which was held June 10th. . We collected $60.00 from the sale of tickets. The , bill from the cafeteria amounted to $64.87. We are paying by transfer check from our maintenance allowance the balance of $4.87. This amount is for complimentary tickets that were given to some of the worlmen who missed their evening meal at home because of arrangements for the picnic, and also to persons who assisted with the programe I feel that the picnic was a success, both as to - entertaiment end as to finances. 1 thought you would like to have this progress report. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball end Basoball Coach.