"dune 12, 1942. Dean George B, Smith, — School of Education. I am quoting a paragraph from Chensellor Deane W. Malott's letter aa of duly 25, 1961, whieh is as follows: "T just want to tell you that I thought your picnic last _ evening was a great success and very much worthwhile for both students and faculty alike. As a matter of fact, I have heard a great of very fine commendation of your whole play oe os TW has bean 8 splonés¢ job well done.” : She mestacinicking at aeir Sb. on hia letter. The reason X send you this is besause you reninéed me the afternoon of the picnic that the Chancellor was veing sold on the program. Maybe it was the budget com nittee that was not sold. Sut they have been around long enough to know about it. I think you should also know that I worked one full eight weeks summer session without any compensation what- ever in putting the Sragr: vers: But I em glad there sis ee ee Oe ; # | Very cordially yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA :AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.