Cornmeal. Shuffle Drew 300 Monday Twelve=thirty closing hours have: been permitted for tonight by the advisor of women for all Univer-j{ sity women attending the semi-for- | Russ Chambers’ | mal GIA. dance. band will play for the dance, which will be held in the ballroom of the Memorial Union building from 9 o’- clock until 12. The first formal dance of the sum- | t i { mer session, free to all GIA mem-_ bers, will also be open to all Uni- | versity men and women for 50. cents each. It-was a cool moonlight evening, | for the first “cornmeal street shuf- fle’? last Monday night, and over 300 persons gathered to dance and watch the dancing in the street on Oread drive between Bailey Chemi- ; -eal loboratories 2A 4-3 2 Bryan, sf 202.24 .n3--t = sO ae agen 20 2.205. amet eo Bayles: Th eee S52 Ort Dances CE oc ee 3. 20x" 2 Carpénter, pC: ......:-05-42--- o23,0 8 Diese! C8 ye ae a O08 Corals GE anions sn tome ohee en -o8 eb OTA 44 15 15 Diehl replaced Lance; Sondker re- placed Bayles. Box score: re Cyclones .........- 140 110 10— 8-12- 2 Jayhawks ........ 520 223 1 —15-15- a