Oetoher 9, 1943. Dr. Yert A. Nash, Coordinator, AST Program. Dear Dr. Nash: I acknowledge receipt of your letter this morning regarding daily absence reports which will be — up daily by someone from Col. McMorris's office. We are glad to cooperate in this procedure. Your secretary mentioned that I was not present at the faculty meeting this week. I had no notice of a faculty meeting, but I do recall seeing some of the professors going toward what I suppose was the meeting. This was on Thursday about 4:30 when I had basketball practice. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. AwSeTs PROGRAM October 9, 1943 Members of Faculty: Will you continue to use weekly reports of absence this week, The report for week ending October 9 shoul be in my office Mondey ains Starting Monday, October 11, we would like to have each instructor have a report of each day"s absence in the office of the head of his department by 5 pem,» Cole McMorris will have these collected from such office each merning about 8:30, Use the regular absence report card, but turn in the card each evenings These absence report cards will be returned to you, indicating whether the absence was excused or unexcused, Additionel absence cards are available in my office. Sincerely yours, Bert A. Nash Coordinator, AST Program Dr. Alien = The revisions on the attached schedule were made by Mr. Kaneh] and Dr. Nash in conference yesterday, Sept. 28. T have made extra copies of the revised apeeie - for Mr. Porter and Mr. Kanehl. Ta Tg SY aap tierce ey Fete MeMorris Dr. Allen Prof Ashton Prof Brewster Prof Davis Prof Posey Prof Loudea Prof Price Prof Stranathen Enclosed is the schedule of classes as worked out for the November term. This schedule is based on the assumption of about 430 Term I students, and 320 Term II students being enrolled in the November term.. They must remain tentative until the Army determines the status of the boys to be sent here, and.until our dist | of failures in Term I is determined, The room schedules for English and Mathematics ean be worked out on the basis of these schedules upon determination of size of the classes. Dean Lawson and Mr. Nichols each have copies of these schedules, Bert A» Nash Director AST Program A.S.T. PROGRAM NOVEMBER TERM First Term Phy. Ed. Schedule No. 1 XTh 1:30-3:20 Tes | 7:30-9:20 E MWF 12:30-2:20 3 MWY 2:30-4:20 5-——_ } | 8 She 4 wr 2:30-4:20 Tae [03° —lQ'2O 5 TThs 8: 30-10420 6 MY¥F 2:30-4:20 Ww je ide 127° 18. Tiss 10:30-12:20 Second Term Phy. ld. Schedule No. 7 MW 10: 30-12*20 F 8:30-10:20 8 MWF 7330-9320 9 fTThSs 12: 30-2: a0 19 Tihs 12:30-2:20 | 12 MWF 12:30-2: a0 Schedu%e: 13 will be limited to 50 boys. 50 boys if possible, Probable No. 50 66 66(except 16 boys Th 10;30-12:20 instead of M 2:30) 66 50 66 50 66 66 66 66 66 Schedules 1 and 5 will be limited to Vn ARMY. Specialized Lraining Bulletin NO pe? SEPTEMBER bY Aa8 ae th e : j 1 5 O43 \ ASTP Soldiers Show | SEP 2tiv™ | Improvement in Physical Efficiency piv Mil. Sct- B, Tactics Cy Yniy, of X28 Sharp improvement in physical efficiency among A.S.T.P. soldiers during their first term of participation in the Army Specialized Training Program has been dem- onstrated at the twelve institutions in which the program had its inception, Average performances in pre-tests and post-tests among 2,577 trainees who took the tests at these institu- tions were as follows: Test §-_ ~Pre-Test Post-Test Gainin % Gain Events 3/31 to 4/12 6/14to 7/3 Perform- in Per- ance formance 1. Push-ups 18.0 22.8 4.8 27% 2. Squat-jumps 30.7 38.6 7.9 26% 3. Sit-ups 32,0 41.4 9.4 30% 4, Pull-ups 9.0 t Lo 29% © 5. 100 yd Pick- 27.00 sec. 24.6 sec. 2.4sec. 9% a-back . : fy 6. Burpee - 20 9.8 11.8 2.0 20% 7, 300 ydrun 47.1 sec. 44.4 sec. 2.7 sec. 6% Test events 1,2,3 and 4, inwhich the performer re- peats the exercise until he can no longer continue, meas- ure roughly the soldier’s muscular tone, strength, and endurance. The over-all average improvement in these four events was 28%. Test events 5,6 and 7, which are scored against time, provide an index to the individual’s coordination, speed and cardio-respiratory endurance. The average improvement recorded in these events was 12%, which is regarded as highly satisfactory. 2U-USTOBABCD THE ASTD BULLETIN av gee: -APAGE2 Advisory Committee To Meet Quarterly - The Advisory Committee of the Army Specialized Training Division will confer quarterly with officers of the A.S.T.D. at Washington. » The committee, comprised of presidents of ten colleges and universities, conferred atthe Pentagon, Wash- ington, on July 20, at an all-day session. This was the committee’s second conference since the inception of the Army Specialized Training Program. Brigadier General Joe N. Dalton, Director of Per- - sonnel, Army Service Forces, in a discussion of the Pro- gram at the conference, said in part: ‘‘The experience of the last few months has con- firmed the soundness of the underlying principles. First among these was the conviction that the program is es- sentially designed to supply the needs of the Army for trained technicians. : _ “Second is the principle that men could be selected from the enlisted personnel of the Army for training under the program. Third, that the colleges and universities of the country would find the program acceptable and give it their vigorous support.’’ : Members of the Advisory Committee are: Dr. Isaiah Bowman, President, Johns Hopkins University; Dr. Robert E. Doherty, President, Carnegie Institute of Technology; Dr, Clarence A. Dykstra, President, University of Wis- consin; Dr. Guy Stanton Ford, Secretary, American His- torical Association; The Very Reverend Robert I. Gannon, President, Fordham University; Dr. Ralph D. Hetzel, President, Pennsylvania State College; Dr. Felix Morley, President, Haverford College; Dr. John J. Tigert, Presi- dent, University of Florida; Dr. Karl T. Compton, Presi- dent, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, Chancellor, Stanford University. Lieutenant General Brehon Somervell, Commanding General, Army Service Forces, visited the meeting, speaking briefly. : | as Colonel Herman Beukema, Director of the Army Specialized Training Division, explained in detail the plan under which members of the Army who hold letters of appointment to the U.S. Military Academy are permitted to receive special preparatorytraining in courses organ- ized by the A.S.T.D. Coloriel Beukema also reported on other aspects of the A.S.T.P. " THE ASTD BULLETIN ; PAGE 3 ASTP Graduates To Get Certificates Sanit Specialized ™ Pro Stam The ARMY of the UNITED STATES hereby certifies that has completed satisfactorily the course of study in purined hin Fog Fits training was completed on . Lhe record of his performance 1s available, on request by appropriate authority, for the purpose of determining his academic credit. BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: CERTIFYING INSTITUTION COMMANDANT A certificate will be awarded to every soldier who successfully completes his prescribed work in the Army Specialized Training Program, In the opinion of the Advisory Committee of the Army Specialized Training Division, all curricula of the A.S.T.P. are at the college undergraduate and graduate level. It is anticipated accordingly that appropriate college credits | will be granted, enabling the soldier-trainee to complete his work for a degree when, and if, he returns to college as a Civilianafter the termination of his military service. The certificate will serve as evidence that the sol- dier completed satisfactorily one or more terms of study at the college or university towhich he was assigned. On the reverse side of the certificate will be stated the curriculum number and the terms completed, It is im- portant that the exact curriculum number and the number of terms successfully completed be specified in these Spaces. Great care must be exercised in the execution of instructions which have been issued to the field, THE ASTD BULLETIN | PAGE 4 News From the Campuses The Princeton University Bulletin has announced that civilian freshmen students in engineering at Prince- ton are now pursuing courses prescribed for the basic phase of the Army Specialized Training Program. Handbooks of regulations, including ‘‘do’s’’ and “‘don’t’s’’ for A.S.T.P. soldiers, are being distributed to soldier-trainees at the Indiana University and University of Maryland. A number of colleges and universities have pre- pared attractive leaflets and folders welcoming ASTP soldiers to the campus and acquainting trainees with the institution’s customs, traditions and background. The Ohio University Post (Athens, Ohio), told recently of the creation of an information center for sol- dier-trainees at the university. “The Specializer’’, published at the University of Wisconsin, reported that a trainees’ military band has been organized, “Private Dumjon at B.T.U.’’ wasthe title of a trav- esty presented by A.S.T.P. soldiers at Virginia Poly- technic Institute. The play’s setting was ‘‘Bucolic Tech- nical University, knownto faculty as ‘Good Old B.T.U.’ ’’, fe | 2 ; LED Ie Send Material “The Bulletin’’ of the Army Specialized Training Division will welcome communications concerning activities of interest at colleges and universities participating in the Army Specialized Training Program, Articles, photographs, clip- pings and publications are desired. This material Should be addressed toThe Bulletin, Army Specia- lized Training Division, Room 2E-644, The Penta- gon, Washington, D. C, et THE ASTD BULLETIN __ ba PAGS ASTP Soldiers Wiil Wear Special Insignia | An arm-patch insignia depicting the sword of valor against a lamp of knowledge has been selected as the official emblem of the A.S.T.P. The sword and lamp are blue on a yellow octagon patch, Artists of the Quartermaster Corps and Special Service Division collaborated to design a series of insignia, To learn the preference of soldiers in the program, across section vote was held at Georgetown University with approximately 150 soldiers viewing a number of samples of shoulder insignia patterns. The pattern de- scribed above ran far ahead in the voting. Productionhas been started onthe insignia and it is expected they will be ready for distribution in November. Letters to Parents President Howard L. Bevis of Ohio State Univer- sity writes a letter to parents of every trainee shortly after the soldier arrives at the university. President Bevis assures the parents of the university’s whole- hearted cooperation in the Program. THE ASTD BULLETIN PAGE 6 New Materials Planned for Geography Courses An atlas of world maps is in preparation for use in the Geography courses of the A.S.T.P. The atlas has been planned withthe specialneeds of the A.S.T.P, courses in view. It will consist of 10 1/2 inches by 20 inches world maps, in color, bound flat in a flexible cover. The purpose of the atlas is to show world distri- bution of area and resources. The sinusoidal equal-area project is used in order tominimize the distortion usually inherent in other types of projections. Each map is con- fined to one or two major subjects. The atlas will be particularly useful in the study of the power potential and power position of the major na- tions to be studied in TermIII of the course in Geography. No other single atlas contains the necessary map ma- terials for this instruction. : Perhaps an even more ambitious undertaking is the plan for manufacture of plastic overlays for twelve-inch globes. One overlay will be a hemisphere on which is depicted a selected land surface. Another will be a half- | hemisphere reproducing geometrical patterns, including concentric circles from a selected point, together with linear scales in statute and nautical miles along the two edges. Both the globes and the overlays will fill a very great need in spacial and global thinking, in this way Sup- plementing the atlas and other maps. It is believed that every section room where geography is taught, and every large study room, should be provided with this material. Program Emphasized Lieutenant General Brehon Somervell, Commanding General of Army Service Forces, addressing a recent Chicago Conference of Commanding Generals of Service Commands, declared that the Army Specialized Training Program ‘‘is going to have more people in it than we had in the whole regular Army.”’ ‘‘T think I made it clearto you,’’ he added, ‘‘that we have got to pay a lot of attention to it.’’ THE ASTD BULLETIN i PAGE 7 Terminology Is Listed In the interest of uniformity and clarity, a brief list ispresented here of correct terminology and abbrevi- ations in reference to some of the more commonly-dis- cussed elements of the Army Specialized Training Pro- gram. Army Specialized Training Unit (A.S.T. Unit). Specialized Training and Reassignment Unit (STAR Unit). as Specialized Training Program (A.8.T. P.). . Army Specialized Training Program trainee (A.S.T.P. trainee), Army Specialized Training Reserve Program (AcS. TRIP); Army Specialized Training Program Reser- vist (A.S.T.P. Reservist). Army Specialized Training Division(A.S.T.D.). Army-Navy College Qualifying Test (A12 - V12 Test). A.S.T.P. Field Selection Board. STAR Classification Board. A.S.T.D. Advisory Committee, Here’s the Answer To That Query on Enlistment Status Numerous inquiries have been received by A.S.T.P. officials concerning the length of military service in store for A.S.T.P. soldier trainees. It should be emphasized that soldiers in the Army Specialized Training Program are serving on active duty and their status is identical with any other soldier’s. There is no obligation on the part of A.S.T.P. soldiers to serve in the Army for a longer period than that which is required of any other soldier. oe , , 9 THE ASTD BULLETIN PAGE 8 Colonel Beukema Urges Inspired Guidance Colonel Herman Beukema, Director of the Army Specialized Training Division, in a recent address before a group of officials engaged in the work of the Army Spe- cialized Training Program, urged that trainees be inspired to an understanding of the importance of their objective. ‘‘T am asking you then, gentlemen, to do something more than to teach these men’’, said Colonel Beukema. ‘It is not enough to conduct them along the hard path to Q.E.D. at the end of a proposition in geometry; not enough to guide their way through the mazes of en- gineering; not enough to house, feed, and keep them in good health, I ask you to inspire them, to arouse them to a full sense of the importance of their work and a reali- zation of the service they are rendering their country. “‘Tt would be easy to say that such matters should be left to the men in uniform, to the Commandant and his assistants. But, gentlemen, you are in uniform. You may be wearing the élothing of the civilian, Nontheless, when your institution comes into this program, you are under as full an obligation to your country as any member of the Armed Forces. The casual observer may ignore that fact; posterity will give it the recognition it deserves’’. 100,000 in Training At the beginning of September, more than 100,000 soldiers were in training at 209 A.S.T. Units. In addition, more than 16,000 soldiers were at STAR Units atthat time. PX. Vw The Army Specialized Training Bulletin is prepared monthly by the Army Specialized Train- ing Division, Room 2E-640, The Pentagon, Wash- ineton, D>, C, 2U-U9TOBABCD (Wer0ae 6045) WAR DEPARTMENT ‘ The Adjutant General's Offize Washington 25, De C MEMORANDUM ) No W210=26-43 ) 14 September 1943. PROCEDURE FOR ASSIGNING PREFERRICE RATINGS FO. : RE ENG PROCURED PROLH USIT OR SIMILAR FUN 1. Memorandums, this offi . Noe W210«7%43, 8 April 1945, subject, Hsien Ratings," including Changes Now 1, 17 April 1943; fos WE50—1 64645, 7 July 1943, subject, ‘Wearing Apparel for Physical Training Activities, Army Specialized Training Proprea's and Circulsr Letter Number 65, Office of the Quartermaster General, 5 April 1948, subject, “Priorities: Organizational Funds,” are rescindede 2. Authority kas been granted to the Special Service Division, Ueade quarters, Army Service. Forces, to adminis ster, control, and rian chats to field officers authority to issue Preference Hating certificates, War Production Board Form PD=3A, and assign thereon the applicable rating for the procurement of items being purchased with at or similar funds. ae Unit or similar fyads ere Gefined im 4% 210-50, 29 December 19426 be Preference Rating Certificatzs, War Prods eiok Board Prom PU<3dA, may be issued by field purchasing and contracting officers or special service officers for purchases tetaling S600 or less without prior approvale Purchases must not be split to aveid prior approvale -c.e Before issuance of Preference Rating Certificates, Board Porm PD-3A, the followin: must be clearly established: ‘ (1) The commanding officer will ee in writing that sought are jmmediate ely necessar (2) The post quartermester will cenuiey that the items are not availekle from Quartermaster depots or supply stockse d. The statements referred to in c(1) and a (2) akove will bo attached to the issuing officers! copy of Preference Reding Certifieates, War Production Board Form PD-3A, anc rem ain on Pile for a period of not less than 6 months after completion of the transaction (see Cir. 134, "D, 1945.) (1) In instances where an item is covered by @ War Production Board Limitation Order which specifically states that a form other than the PD-SA will be used, the appropriate War Production Board form mus* be acitoted and forwarded to Priorities-Liaison Cfficer, Fiscal Branch, Special Service Division, ee heey Servs ae Forces, weich officer in turn will ona ieee ie apo ication and cxpedite its consideration by the War P vatnatie n Bomrde (2). The duplicate cony of ail Preter ence Ratiug Certificates issued under the above authority wiil be forwarded to the 24-49858 (W210~26~43 ) Prioriticesiietson Officer, Fiscal Branch, Special Service Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forcuse Se On purchases involving more than $500 the PD-3A Certificate will be accomplished in quintuplicate and all copies will be forwarded to the PrioritieseLiaison Officer, Fiseal Branch, Special Service Division, Head- quarters, Army Service Forecs, accompanied by the statements referred to in e(1) and (2) above for further consideration. Preference Rating Certificates, War Production Board Form PD=SA, should be procured from the. loca al War Production Board Offices oy 3. Accomplishing the PD-3A Certificates and assigning the applicable ratings--The issuing officer will be responsible for the propcr accomplish= mont of all PD-3A Certificates. The issuing officer will--= ae Place the contract number, purchase, order number, or requisition number in the space provided for on the forme be Insert the name of the supplier in the space "Issued toe” Ce ‘Insert address of the office of this supplier where ae, original copy of PD-ZA Certificate will be filed. de Insert "War Departmont" and station in section headed "Government agency placing contract." © insert actual required delivery date in applicable column; such terms as "30 days," “60 days,” “at onee," cte., are not sufficicnts f. ‘Insert quantity and dollar value (which may be an estimated amount if actual value is not known) and description in applicable spaces provided for on form. « For purchases amounting to less than $500, manually nouaeeeet ta the PD-3A Certificate and insert thereunder the name of the post or station and the date the certificate was actually issued. On purchases emounting to more than $500, the certificate wil] not be countersigned in the field. he. Insert Preference Rating Ad~3 in space provided for, in no” instance may a rating highcr than AA-3 he assigned on Preference Rating Certificate, War Production Board Form Pb-3A, by field issuing officers. i. Insert in AN,M.B. Code Boe or Authority, “Ist Inde AsleMeD. 34309043, JSL." ’ 4, Outeofeline rating.--Any requgst for a rating higher than AA=3 required to effect delivery for purchases from unit or similar funds must be processed as follows: ae The certificate will be aceomplishad as set forth in paragraph $a. through i and (after countersigaature as prescribed) will bé actually” tendered to the supplicr. Should the supplicr state he cannot make delivery on the assigned rating, this statement will be confirmed by the complete accomplishment of Form SR-l1, in triplicate. be Form SR=l, in triplicate, obtainable from the local office of the Wer Prodw tion Board, should be forwarded by the issuing officer to the Special Ratings Section, Production Service) Branch, Production Division, Headquarters, Army Servico Foress. The information copy should be forwarded simultancously to Prioritics-Liaison Officer, Fiscal Branch, Special Service Division, Headquarters, Army Service Forcese @ 449 858- (W210-26-43 ) 5. Issuance of instructions.--All instructions dealing wit prioritics or implementations of instructions relating to prioritics on purchases from unit or similar funds must be cleared with tho Prioritics- Liaison Officer, Fiscal Branch, Special Service Division, Headqua Deer s, Army Service Forces, before reloass. (AG 400.13 (1 Sep 43 )OBeD-SPSPE=HE}A ) By order of the Secretary of War: fof ote Ay TIO, oy Ae ULIO, Major Goncer a The Adjutant penteal DISTRIBUTION: Ae 24-49858 ee eee ee ke ae ee ee ee ee eat ee eek, ee ae: ee ae ae ee re -~ wm oot ee om Reproduced at Hq Seventh SvC, AGP, Omaha 2, Bebr £0 Sep 45 ( SPREE) DISTRIBUTION: (DL-12) i THREE (IT) A, B, Dy By Gy Ba 8, Ky MT, Lew, 15, 18, 19, 20, Nels In reply refer to SPKSi, ‘ ‘August 26, 1943. Dre Bort Nach, Lo ¥2 University of Kanease Dear Berts I am wondering when you will want to begin your intremure) for the Awl2 I presume the hour will be 4:30, but I am else wondering if Sincerely yours, Divector of Physical Education, Varsity Baghketball Coachs Septenber 17, 1943. Dr. Bert A. Nash, a Coordinator, ASTP. University of Kansas. Dear Bert: When shipments of athletic goods for the ASTP come to the gymnasium we do not want the packages piled in the hall. If you will get in touch with either Er. Klooz or Mr. Palkenstien they can open the Athletic Office and can put the stuff away. We,\of course, do not have access to that office. If the stuff is left in the hall it may be stolen, and also we have such large forces operating here that £8 causes a congestion. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. August 18, 1943. Col. Wn. c. Washington, Commandant, Reserve Officers Training Corps. Dear Colondd Washing ton : I have just conferred with Captain George B. Smith nee regarding the desirability of giving the A-12 students — Oe five minutes extra lee-way on both ends of their two- hour physical training periods so that they may make their schedules. We are very happy to do this and I am instrueting our physical training personnel to follow this procedure. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FPGA:AH Varai ty Basketball Coach. September 4, 1943. Dre Bert A. Nash, Coordinator, ASTP, University of Nensas. Dear Dre Nash: x sahdis fas ines ts pee wien Ss lies of attendance in the physical training classes. Ye are desirous, of course, of cutting to the minimz the absences in these olasaes, many of which qppear to be A-M.0.L. Absences of A-l2 students rum about fourteen per seotion per month, and with the AST students run about eighty per section per month. Our experience is that many ee ee ee to answer the second roll csll. ne Ye are, of course, senfing in our weekly shuensie wines We your atten, but realising the tremendous mumber of detalle in getting organized, I felt this should ee eee ee ees me vee ee ee eee Very sinmersly yours, | Pirector of Fhysical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. oo ~ Lt Cole MoMorris Septenbe, 20, 1945. Dr. Bert A. Nash, ASTP Coordinator, University of Kansas. Dear Bort: We have again informed our instruotora of the absolute necescity of dismissing physical training . Glasses early enough so the boys may shower and dress, and get to the next class on time. a The classes are dismissed on the hour, and I can see no reason why the students should be late to their next class. This gives them half an hour, but doubtless some of them are losfing in between the tine they dress and the time they ¢o to the noxt class. : I have called particular attention to the MIF $:30-10:50 instructors, telling them of the difficulty the Mathematics Department is having with the 11:50 ciass. Very sincerely yours, | me Director of Physical Education, —PCAAE Varsity Basketball Coach. ec ~ Prof. Guy Smith j "Hour oe! 30. Section / instructor ager 6 hathematics adT- O ‘. 40 lo “4. Op 7 Absent or Name Schedule | No. Mins. Late _ Remarks Hour eo section as Instructor hua Jato. J hkathematics asT- Ub 0 Z " Z. prtdan ley / Name ochedule Absent or No. Mins. Late Ramarks TF ow Lime i i \ Hour //; 30 Section eee Instructor Das. Wethometics bts MOG. eg Our. / Absent or Name ‘| Schedule {| No. Mins. Late Ramarks ee he ernie ngne nie! September 22, 1945. Messrs. Porter oaeaie Austin Dear Fellow Paoulty Meubers: Yesterday at a conference with Col. MeMorris he etated that the boya were far behind in their drill. The Awl2 officera are giving the two hours of drill over to a etudy period for the boya on academic probation. giv oe vert of uel weechedte cuant over @ our | period. I told him we would be glad to cooperate — outs tae This is not an order yet, but I an yes Wiis ie Wank, ond tess thas you WiSl be Seapeeeties and sympathetic. The chief requisite, of course, is good Very vordially yours, Director of Physical Education, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball coach. September 21, 1943. aN es ee eee ee iat aera eee ai er eee ree Prof. Guy Ve Smith, Department of Mathematics. Dear Guy: 9 I would like the names of all the A-12 boys who , i come in late on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 11:50, so that our people here can check up with these boys and — 1 see what has happened to then. i Meny times our instructors are forced to dismiss the boys from the playfield after class is over. Many say, “We have no class and we want to play". By having this list we can do a better job in cooperating for prompt attendance in academic classes. At He a o ie While these boys are forced to bathe at the gymmasium due to the incompletion of bathing facilities at Lindley Hall, our instructors insist that the boys take all their equipment from Hoch or Spencer field directly to the gymmasium so that there will be time conserved in getting to class. Very sincerely yours, a Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. hice Ne ee = “ ‘ Keer padaly Pini ee ab oa ate osetia ia Me asp sie 8b oe oh te Lane: 2 gy see Sabre ao tars ie ace aes Sa Git Aaa eS aah eS Se ocala a nares s Pose eet. padi ae Stak es Se Se Sti he Ae oho spades pyre : December 10, 1943 AST Department Heads; Possible enrollment for next term in AsS.T.Pes Wo. of Reserves enrolled now, Term I 18. No. of Reserves enrolled now, Term II 152. No. in Term I who will be 18 after Dec. 30 3 No. in Term II who will be 18 after Dec. 30 24 Total number enrolled now in Term II $55 (appr. ) No. of Term II Reserves leaving at the : end of the term 134 No. of present enrollments eligible for oomnomin Term III 221 Total number enrolled now in Term I $50 (appr. ) No. of Reserves leaving 15 No. of boys eligible for Term II next — term 335 Total (Soldiers and Reserves) for next term: Potential Term III 221 Potential Term II 335 Potential enrollment next term from a present enrollment. 556 This would require 150 new boys, of whom 50 will probably be reserves, and we do not know which term the new boys will be assigned. These numbers of potential enrollment for Terms II and III next term do not provide for failures and withdrawals this term. It is estimated that 15% to 20% of the present Term I boys will fail and 10% to 15% of Term II boys will fail this term. : Sincerely yours, Bert A. Nash Director, AST Program BAN:0 atta SAT eras ag I as at ae Enclosed is the schedule of classes as worked out for the November term, This schedule is based on the assumption of about 430 Term I students, and 320 Term II students being enrolled in the November term. They must remain tentative until the Army determines the status of the boys to be sent here and until our list of failures in Term I is determined. The room schedules for Englisn and Mathe- matics can be worked out on the basis of these schedules upon determination of size of the classes. Dean Lawson and Mr, Nichols each have copies of these schedules. Bert A. Nash Director AST Program A.S.T. PROGRAM NOVEMBER TERM (Revised Sept, 28) First Term Phys. Ede Probable Noe Schedule Nos 1 Th 1:30=33;20 50 TuS 7:30-9:20 2 MF 1223082 :20 66 a3 MW 2:30-4:20 66 (Except 16 boys Th $ ’ 1:30-3:20 10:30—12:20 instead of M 2:30) AG WF 23:30=4:20 66 Tu 10:30+12:20 5 TTS 8:30-10:20 : 50 6 W 23:50=4:20 66 W 10:30=12:20 13 TTS 10:30<12:20 50 Second Term Phys. Ed. Schedule Noe 7 MW 10:30-12: 20 66 F 8;:30-10:20 8 WF 7 :30=9:20 66 9 fs 12:30=2:20 66 io. Oo 12:30=2:20 66 12 MF 12;30=2:20 66 Schedule 13 will be limited to 50 boys, Schedules 1 and 5 will be limited to 50 boys if possible, September 21, 1943. Prof. Guy Wi. Smith, Department of Mathematics. Very sincerely yours, 2 Director of Physical Raucation, POALAH Varsity Basketball Coach. September 21, 1943. Mr. Henry Werner, Men Students’ Adviser, University of Kansas. Dear Mr. Werner: I acknowledge receipt of your letter of September 20. You will remember at our conference that I stated it would ae Seternery % Thre sumens on Pavey Co kanye ahehce open and to supervise thie type of work. 7 Captain Morris, Ensign Ware and Lieut. Weeks I am very sure will give their approval of such a program and would appoint some responsible member of their outfits to supervise the boys. But it will take a paid civilian to check this stuff out and back in again, and so forth. Do you have any money available, or does the University have money available for this? I imagine it would take at least fifty cents an hour and maybe more to get such an in- dividual. I am sure that we can begin operating as soon as we gst the green light financially. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE HENRY WERNER MEN STUDENTS’ ADVISER ¢ September 20, 1943 Dre Fe Ce Allen 105 Robinson Gymnasiun Campus Dear Phog: I am thinking it will be necessary to get this spare= time program lined up for the military students in addition to the civilian groupe Going over what we outlined the other day, I have the following noted as being in your sphere: Tennis = south of the gym and at the stadium Basketball = A-12 see Captain Morris; V-1l2 see Ensign Wares; and Army Medicals see Lieutenant Weeks Handball = four courts south of gym, open at all times Horseshoes = check out shoes at basement of gym; courts are back of gym 3 oS Softball = courts are on south intermural field; check out bats and balls at basement of gym Volleyball = on tennis courts south of gym and in women's gym; check out equipment at basement of gym Touch football - field south of intermural field; check out equipment in basement of gym Gymnastics = in main gym I wonder if you would mind checking this list, and adding any pertinent information to it. The thought is that we should post a large poster showing all of these activities and otherswhich are available. I would appreciate your com- ment on this at the earliest opportunity. Very sincerely yours, Henry Werner HWs:sa