48 The University of Kansas ble preventive measures. Prerequisite, course 2, except for students in the School of Law who have had 1 or 50. Prelaw students may take courses 2 and 169 concurrently. 10:30-11:20. Elliott. 182. Prrsonatiry PropLEMSs AND SocrAL Retations. Two hours credit. In- fluences of family, school, neighborhood and other associations on the forma- tion of tastes and attitudes; social factors in the development of individual interests and life careers; relation of culture changes and conflict to personal crises and readjustments; problems accentuated by decline of older forms of institutional discipline; contributions of primary group and community to the treatment of personal problems. 9:80-10:20. Eldridge. 185. Soctan Conruicr. Two hours credit. Theories of social conflict; biological, economic, cultural, and sociopsychological foundations of conflict; major conflict patterns, including war, revolution, industrial conflict, com- munity conflict, conflict between racial, religious, political, and nationality groups; individual aspects of conflict; relation to social movements and cul- ture change; techniques in resolution of social tension and -control of conflict situations. 8:30-9:20. Gibson. 300. Seminar or Soctotocy. Two to five hours credit. A research course for advanced students. Each student may pursue a definite line of work un- der the direction of instructors; work in the seminar is directed along the line of general sociology and social theory. By appointment. Eldridge. Tuesis. Two to six hours credit. By appointment. Eldridge. SPANISH See Romance LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. SPEECH AND DRAMATIC ART Assistant Professor: ANDERSON Instructor: DIXON *1, PRINCIPLES oF SPEECH. Two hours credit. Speech education; the study of tone, its production, placement, and quality; of distinct utterance and Eng- lish diction; of correct and effective oral expression in the ordinary relation- ships of life. (1 is a prerequisite to all work in the department except 63, 151, 271, and 272.) 8:30-9:20 and 9:30-10:20. Anderson. *2. LairerARyY INTERPRETATION. ‘Two hours credit. An application of the principles of course 1 to the interpretation of literature; a study of the har- mony of mood and thought as expressed through the medium of the voice; platform behavior; an endeavor to project thought and emotion to the audi- ence and to establish a common enthusiasm between reader and listener. 10 :30-11 :20. Anderson. *11. GenepraL PLay Propuction. Three hours credit. Principles of produc- tion and stage interpretation; codrdination of the work of directors, actors and stage workers in order to secure the complete stage production; play produc- tion in secondary schools; design as applied to directing and staging. (Pre- requisite to courses 53, 154, 156.) 9:30-10:20. Dixon. 150. Sprecu Correction. Two hours credit. A study of the physiological aspects of speech production. This provides a basis for training in the diag- nosis and treatment of speech difficulties caused by organic aspects, foreign and regional dialects, unpleasant voice quality, slovenly and indistinct articula- tion of sound units, and faulty pronunciation. Prerequisites, course 1 and the consent of the instructor. 11:80-12:20. Anderson. 154. THrory AND Practice or Directine. Three hours credit. Emphasis is upon theory and practice of staging and direction. Prerequisites, courses 1 and 11 (or the equivalent of 11 in experience). 8:30-9:20. Dixon. Ae alice tesitemanten-ianohmanincensrpeerit