REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR THE SUMMER SESSION, 19359 At the meeting of the Summer Session Budget Committee last fall an item of $145.00 was requested by the writer for the installation of floodlights on the quadrangle in front of Fowler Shops to light the playground for the Sumer hecetan «tubing This item was granted, and the lights added much to the attract= iveness of the recreational programe Recreational activity on the playground was open to both young and old, and the attendance every evening was three and four times as much as last summere Seven shuffleboard courts were kept busy every eveninge Other features of the playground were croquet (for both adults and children), derts, badminton, ping- pong, archery, and the putting clocke Additional equipment for the enjoyment of the children was installed = a monkey maze for climbing, teeter-totters, horizontal bars, a sandbox, and 4 swinge The competitive games included in the recreational program were softball, and golf and tennis tournamentse The golf course was kept in excellent condition during the summer, and was even better than it has been in the paste The driving range was en added feature this sumer, and met with a splendid response. The tennis courts were kept in fine shape, and the installation of a drinking fountain near the courts proved a wonderful convenience for the playerse The swimming pool was kept open at regular hours every day during summer school with Mre Ed Hyatt in charge for the men and Miss Irene McAdoo in charge for the womene A number of co-recreational splash parties were held in the evenings, and these were exceptionally well attended. The average attendance of women at the pool was 25, with a high of 42. For the men the average attendance was 30, with an attendance as high as 60 and 70 at the open plunge houre Approximately 25 or 30 individuals swem during the comrecreational swimming periodse