Page 6 OPERATION OF UNION BUILDING SUMMER SESSION 1939 ‘ Memeect*s saiety 2 bc et te Se OR eee $291.68 HWostece’s geieiy 1k cs a ae eH eh oe) eee we Oe Ee 100.00 Janitor service ° e e ° ° e & e e e e e . e e e 2 ° e a e e e e 130.00 Supplies, telephone, newspapers, etC. .«.+2e+-eeeee ee 2 50.00 The above cost is the same as that of last year except for tne increase of $41.68 in the salary of the manager. ‘The Union has served the summer Session much more effectively this year than it has in the past. The education forums and other gatherings made good use of the facilities of the building. Dinners and banquets were served to a number of groups. Parties, receptions and dances under the general supervision of the recreation divector were held in the ball room. More students made use of the facilities than in previous years and seemed greatly pleased with the efforts made in their behalf. In planning for the education conference for next summer it would be desirable to schedule the sessions for the Union building. This would make it possible to hold the book exhibit in the main lounge and avoid the congestion that now prevails in Fraser Hall during the conference week. There are now plenty of meeting and conference rooms in the Union to care adequately for the various discussion groups comprising the conference.