September 21, 1943. aN es ee eee ee iat aera eee ai er eee ree Prof. Guy Ve Smith, Department of Mathematics. Dear Guy: 9 I would like the names of all the A-12 boys who , i come in late on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 11:50, so that our people here can check up with these boys and — 1 see what has happened to then. i Meny times our instructors are forced to dismiss the boys from the playfield after class is over. Many say, “We have no class and we want to play". By having this list we can do a better job in cooperating for prompt attendance in academic classes. At He a o ie While these boys are forced to bathe at the gymmasium due to the incompletion of bathing facilities at Lindley Hall, our instructors insist that the boys take all their equipment from Hoch or Spencer field directly to the gymmasium so that there will be time conserved in getting to class. Very sincerely yours, a Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. hice Ne ee = “ ‘ Keer padaly Pini ee ab oa ate osetia ia Me asp sie 8b oe oh te Lane: 2 gy see Sabre ao tars ie ace aes Sa Git Aaa eS aah eS Se ocala a nares s Pose eet. padi ae Stak es Se Se Sti he Ae oho spades pyre :