and teeter=tetters. This was a great service to the parents who came to enjoy the concerts and other entertainment on the hill+ COD. Se Master fans for Union Bulldingss.esceccesseeeetl50—00 Safety Grille for fonBeesescceesessesceasensee 72980 Our request for thia item lest yoer wee denied by the Budget Committee, but we are repeating 1% because until such o time when the Union Building cen be afr-eonditioned this ie se necess= ary to the comfort of the students during the summer. Thie past sumer we were fortunete in being able to borrow from the Kansas a ee ee a ee staee dea anne but after these were sold we bad to do without. These fans aided trenendously in the eonfort of the persons attending funétions in the buildings It might not be possible for us to impose upon the company's kindness in this manner another summer. 4« For storage of Archery and Golf Equipment...++$50,00 With the archery range located near the golf driving range it is to have a plece to store this cumbersome equipment (erehery bows, arrows, targets, golf clubs end balls) neer he Prang_ose &, Hew Pleyground Squipmentocsrerccecrensesosees sSZ00000 Last yeer we were allowed epproximately one-third of our request for this item. We were eumes 9100 for pleygreund oqheentie. (bells, Rete, enitinde archery tekle, shuffleboard dises and ues, badminton nets and shuttlecocks, ping pong balle and paddles, vasketbelis, and to add new items to fill the demand for game equipment. A Gosl~fi standard, which sells for $21.50, wes given to me by the manufacturers, becsuse I developed the geome. ¥e now have one af tance a presented to ue without any coekt to the states 6. Bowling on the iii cennewsnsceeneenocsnentlilanll Wie Irving Hill of Lawrence hes a place in his own yard for bowling on the green, At Iowa State College, this sport was the greatest single attreetion te bring the groups together for recreational hourse The installetion of this game would do more than any other single project here to stimulate interest and wholesome recreations The nature of this sport combines both recreational and sooiel aspects for beth men and women. Greet numbers would come, not only to play, wut to witness others playing. pd lg ri GLY