September 4, 1943. Dre Bert A. Nash, Coordinator, ASTP, University of Nensas. Dear Dre Nash: x sahdis fas ines ts pee wien Ss lies of attendance in the physical training classes. Ye are desirous, of course, of cutting to the minimz the absences in these olasaes, many of which qppear to be A-M.0.L. Absences of A-l2 students rum about fourteen per seotion per month, and with the AST students run about eighty per section per month. Our experience is that many ee ee ee to answer the second roll csll. ne Ye are, of course, senfing in our weekly shuensie wines We your atten, but realising the tremendous mumber of detalle in getting organized, I felt this should ee eee ee ees me vee ee ee eee Very sinmersly yours, | Pirector of Fhysical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. oo ~ Lt Cole MoMorris