ESTIMATED EXPENSES FOR REMAINDER OF YEARs Laundry Irregular payroll Office supplies Tennis court marker Tennis nets (2 doze) Marking tennis courts = 24 courts, marked 3 times a week for next 10 weeks, at $le per court Circulating fan in basement New motor for fan in towel room Gym mats (men) 7 (women) Total estimated expenses for remainder of 1957=58 = Unincumbered balance as of Febe 28, 1938 - { $150.00 | 850.00 (6° 300~00 — 30.00 | 200000 ~ 7120000 (= 47 .00-'\ | [500400 | '300400 / meee $3168.50 $1911.67 Vs ae Oe? : ee phy pA, a