Dr. F. C. Allen DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS / C. Rath Com. fe 48 ae : Jo d:. Aatele §% Joo The University of Kansas Lawrence Office of The Chancellor June 1, 1937 TO HEADS OF ALL DEPARTMENTS: Enclosed you wili find the budzet for your denartment, as recently approved by the Board of Recents. In order that the records may be complete and accurate, you are requested to file in the Chancellor's Office by return mail appointment blanits for each person on the resular nayroll in your department who has been or will be. (a) Newly apmointed (>) Promoted in rank (c) Re-employed for service in office or labora- tory, or on the faculty with rank of instruc- tor, assistant instructor, or assistant. For members of departments of instruction, duplicate of each blank should be filed with the dean of the school to which the department is assigned. Appoint- ment blanks may be obtained at the Chancellor's Office. In view of the late date, prompt and complete cooperation on the nart of the departments will be of the gereatest assistance. Cordially yours, E. H. LINDLEY, Chancellor. Annointment Blanks Required: Petes 60 tilaweh UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS To the Chancellor: TN cesses Sept...10,..1937. erence I hereby recommend el rare San Gail MeClure ‘ae whose present address is to the position of __......... anabrue tor pescoronth at a salary of ¢..826.00 Pcie [a year per semester september, 1937 Mo 2: months’ service. Service to begin New positoin? ............---csecceeoe per month Or to take the place of whose salary was $2... per year per semester This salary is provided in Section 2.00.02... Item No. Co? cin bias of the budget. The qualifications of the candidate are: The duties of the candidate will be: / ea a4 Aj Approved or statements of deans concerned and chairman of budget committee: F f § $1025 addl. from Health Service. (Signed) Head of the department of..... Physical Education CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENT: | per month The appointment is approved at a salary of cememeens bi cecoccniat per year i Title , Dated (Signed) rk fo \ UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Date... Sept y-205~-198% 5 To the Chancellor: Sept. 3 SERRE i t ; I hereby recommend el feappoin ms kee H,--G,-Aliphin sina ‘a whose present address is to the position of ——eneeneeneneeneee dh a ge AS 4s OS at o enlary of $39... tl SERIES O00 oa 9... months’ service. Service to DEIN. .nnereeene AA DEAME,s LIST New positoin? ...... _..... per month Or to take the place of . whose salary was $........-.-..-.-..0..-.0..--00-0-: per year per semester This salary is provided in Section ........................ Item No. ........... eS a of the budget. The qualifications of the candidate are: $365 addl. from Education 80 . * Ath, Agsn, The duties of the candidate will be: (Signed) Approved or statements of deans concerned Head of the department of..... Physiecal-Educati on and chairman of budget committee: CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENT: per month The appointment is approved at a salary Of $....0....2.....--—-esscesneeeeeeeoee per year per semester Title Dated (Signed) UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS To the Chancellor: I hereby recommend ed Retr eee day..Plumley Pegmetion whose present address is Date... Sept, 1O,..1957.. Married Single to the position of __................. Iino tructer at a salary of ¢. L200. iia diascmisuaaie per year HBt RSiiestor N OF cae 9... months’ service. Service to begin September, 1937 New positoin? ........... ° ihindnbunsal per month Or to take the place of whose salary was $...............-.....-.:s0-css00s.s: per year per semester This salary is provided in Section ccc: Teer No. soeesee--n OD Page of the budget. The qualifications of the candidate are: $300 addl, from Ath, Agsn. The duties of the candidate will be: (Signed) Approved or statements of deans concerned and chairman of budget committee: Head of the department of........ Physi eel. Education CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENT: / per month The appointment is approved tp aaliiy OF Foren per year per semester Title Dated f (Signed) UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Date....... Septenber 10, 1937. To the Chancellor: I hereby recommend the /¥ n fs jen Ralph.Conger taneaie whose present address is. to the position: Of a ccsicncicsisdsiceneed i nstrus tor at a salary of $. 806400 icici per year fer Of 1.0. months’ service. Service to begin...... Septenber,..1937 ee New positoin? .....------.-ccco- per month Or to take the place of ............. whose salary was $.....................:......: per year per semester This salary is provided in Section ....................... Item No. Ee) VU Page of the budget. The qualifications of the candidate are: a $600 addi, from Intercol, Ath. 1100 ® ' Ath, Assn, The duties of the candidate will be: (Signed) Approved or statements of deans concerned Head of the department of... Phys i¢alEdueation and chairman of budget committee: CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENT: per month The appointment is approved at a salary of $...0...........----essssse0+-0eeed POY Year per semester Title Dated , (Signed) UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Date......... Saptember.10,.1937 . To the Chancellor: 2 appointment A I hereby recommend the met of..im Harold Ranort. Married Single whose present address is 1929 Migs. to the position of Assistant Ing tructor at a salary of ¢. 400.00 Bs cnet per year Der semester G6F occa 9... months’ service. Service to begin.......... SSDhamber, LIST. New positoin? ..cecvcvceceeeeee per month Or to take the place of whose Salary Was $......-..-....-c-.0-ssscsssseee0e: per year per semester This salary is provided in Section 0.0.0... Item No. Coll Page of the budget. The qualifications of the candidate are: The duties of the candidate will be: (Signed) Approved or statements of deans concerned Head of the department of Paygical-Edueation and chairman of budget committee: CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENT: per month The appointment is approved at a salary Of $.........2...2.2.----esssssesnceseseeee per year per semester Title Dated , (Signed) copy UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Date. Sept. 8, 1937... To the Chancellor: appointment ae ; I hereby recommend the [Repo of Alice Sherbon Bauman ‘Single: promotien: Sinalex whose present address is to the position of Asst, instructor at a salary of $...400200 0. per semester 1 for 4=months’ service. Service to begin Sept -_ 1937 New positoin? ..............--....0+-+ per month Or to take the place of whose salary was §...........-..-...:s--csss:cs0se0+: per year per semester This salary is provided in Section ..................-:0 Item No. Cod. Page of the budget. The qualifications of the candidate are: The duties of the candidate will be: (Signed) Approved or statements of deans concerned Head of the department of and chairman of budget committee: CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENT: per month The appointment is approved at a salary Of $.0.2............----weesesneceeeeeeee per year per semester Title Dated (Signed) ee Mentone UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Date...... SO phenber 10,1957. To the Chancellor: appointment , 730° oF eee - Interecoll. Athletics 4 , : : ; : ; ie 900 17008 Asst. Prof. 2350 > St we tion 155 Asst. Prof. Instructor en Education . Instructor ia Ins tractor : Asst. Instr. os 900 Meintensnce iF 30 MATS 9 large mats in Men's Gym. [0 Xb. fe ) gE 4 large thin mat@s Girls Cerrective reom 1O KX UL a 1 small thin mat Girls cerrective room. 6 x a oo 1 small mat on third fleer (Yb 1 smell mat in Room 202 b ‘. ee : ie ee 1 small mat in Room 206 lab. Ke 5 At Stadiun East side 3 large mats ) ) Ola 6 small mats ) Dia not get in on west side of stadiun, it S tssket. | HEY . om a oi ae 2 é Mats e Men's Side. Good. Thine le Large 6654 le 20 small le Ze Needs repair. lo Large t 2e Small Sev Throw away le Large le Girls sidee le Lar ge Ae acu Ge DEPARTNENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION . SEPT. 15-1956 to June 1-1957. : TOWEL FEES RECEIVED Sept. -- $ 626.50 Oct. 27.25 ~— Nov. | 10.50 Decs | 4.50 Jan, ; 2.00 Feb. 456.50 Mareh 5.50 April 4.50 May 250 TISS.75~ add % _ $1709.63 for expected amount for 1937-38 IRREGULAR PAY ROLL SEPT. 15 TO JUNE 15 -1956-57 Men's Dept. Women's Dept. Sept. 203.34 13.30 Oct. | 256.92 10.15 Nov. 200.86 22.00 Dec. | 165.80 23.45 Jane 144.32 15..75 Feb. 250-09 27.65 March 230.68 40.77 April 257 .49 21.95 May | 125.11 18.05 Totals 1854.61. 193..07 Average per month for nine months § 225.30 Maintenence of pkaygrounds not included in this figure. ST DEPERTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1936-37 SCHOOL YEAR. LAUNDRY Sept. Oct. ‘| 15.32 f 11.04). “Va 4 wre 10.12 | 7.26 10.59 4 9,00 we Nov. Decs Jans Febs Mex April May a.92 | Totals ior. \ Average per month for nine months §$ 55.95 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Attend the ‘Fourteenth Annual ‘Kansas KX clays April 18, 1936, Laurence, ‘Kansas : Sez the Olympia Track Staw in Action 32nd Annual OIntewcholastia Meet, Apul 17th TOWEL ROOM Expenditures for new permanent equipment « « « « « « «© ee ee 0 oo $1S0e65 Painting - For labor of cleaning and painting « eescerecee see 206 hours @ 35¢ per hour, $72e10 Materials « «+sess«s6¢066¢s (eee ee & 0 @ 45096 $121.05 _Tewel Service = student assistance: Sept. to Febe;—incle— 0 ee we 9548522 EQUIPMENT FOR NEW OFFICE He OHH GOGtt 4 40 © oe 6S ee 8 8 e*eee#se $97 46 Wirt eet 6 ae ee 6 we oe +e ew oe 0 8 @ 19605 typewriter eo ec «ce ec ee @ 6+ tee ee 6 8 6 8 92.681 igs) 6 64 8) ee OOS ee ew ee ee 6 ES lamps ce’ he 8 6 es i 6A 4 8 ee we ww TTS desk top a er ae ge ee ee er ee telephone extension arm ee ecesecereece 8.00 70thl « « «4 « « * 0$251038- MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT FOR GYM Lumber for reflooring corrective room e e e $4725 2 cloeks for EyMe «© es e see wo ee ee ee * 20450 1 piano WUC 4 es 6 26 8 4% 6 4 8 ee ee OREO Rubber matting a rer rn ena ee Soap dispensers (shower rooms) « « « « « «© « 22047 L 3 Vil. C. Physical Education (1937-38) is 3. GC. Allen 9 Professor 2200 Intercoll. Athletics 500- 2700* (300.00) 2. H. W. Hargiss LO Professor 900 Intercoll. Athletics 800 1700* (170.00) 3. B. BR. Bibel 9 Asst. Prof. 2600 - (288.88) 4. Ruth Hoover 9 Asst. Prof. 2300 (255.55) 5. Elizabeth Dunkel 9 Asst. Prof. 155 Education 365 2100 (233.33) 7- Gail McClure 9 Instructor | 625 (See Health Service 1025 Health 1850 Serv.) 8. H. G Allphin 9 Instructor 1755 Education apt 2120% (235.55) 9. Jay Plumley | 9 Instructor 1200*: (133.33) 10. Ralph Conger 10 Instructor 300 (See Intercoll. Athletics 1 900 Taam, orek 322. hi. 900* Ath.) 3 -4z-./00° : 2eo — 9 at Instr 900: : ae , S b 12. Met, futleen 4 ~—s Secretary ee 13. Assistance (Men) 300<- 14. Towel room assistance 800 : Total Salaries 19, Wo Maintenance 1,900 Special Maintenance "i150 * Additional from Athletic Association, as follows: © F.C, Allen 2300 H. W. Hargiss 1920 H. G Allphin - 80, Jay Plumley 300 Ralph Conger 1100 Concrete tennis courts 3 Concrete handball oe Permanent back stop | a Sanding the beach and improving Potter's Lake for wwimming, both spring and fall, Improved and more often marking of tennis courts, better back stops, replacement of thin steel pipes. It costs $1.00 per day to sprinkle, mark, and roll tennis courts, per court, ee Grading and leveling of entire intremural field, whether done by unit or done in toto, oo | TERSITY OF KANSAS Department of Physical Education , March 16, 1958 TO THE BUDGET COMMITTEE: Mey I present for your consideration a matter very vital to the physical welfare and health of our students at the miversity of Kansas. The tract of land south of Mt. Oread, known as the Intramural Field, was purchased by the Athletic Association, a non-corporate body, in 1923 for a consider~ ation of $12,000. This land was held in escrow by the K. U. Endownent Associa and later deeded back to the Athletic Association (University of Kensas Physical Education Corporation), a corporation now in existence. Last year when the University of Kensas Physical Education Corporation ; got inte financial straits, the Board of Regents agreed to purchase the land for the sum of $12,000, the emount that wes paid by the Athletic Association in cash in 19254 The deed is now in the name of the State. The Athletic Association has never used this land for ac tive Rather, it was purchased for the intramurals in the beginning, and has always used by student organizations as suche The University has, however, from time to time, cut large tracts of sod from this acreage to be used in sodding various portions - of the campus proper. This refers to the time when there was grading and filling around the Administration Building and on the slopes around new buildings, such as purposee been The thought that I am trying to project is that this tract of land has not ted by the University as a University possession with the exception of the n something could be obtained from the tract. Inasmuch as intramurals are a students in play are spommpred by the department, it seems reasonable and thinkable that it would be in keeping with logical practice to have the University at least remove ‘distinct hazard that this wmgraded field presents to the life and limb of the students playing on ite ‘It seems to me that USEP labor, under the direction of Mre Bayles, has done much constructive work on the campus, Since this tract is now directly a part of the University it would be a very much desired thing if we could have the field graded so as to make it safe for the students to play theree The slope of the field from the north to the south is so acute that there is apt to be extreme injury to football fields run from the north to the southe I was present at some of the games , more serious injuries than there aree i ~ " E 5 : “ H 2. : ; : The weight of a 170 pound man is multiplied many times in the momentum he ym hill, ; is by a stretch of the imagination to think of a 170 pound man striking a man of 140 pounds umider these conditions. - No money has ever, been spent on this field. The topography is as it was when the land was purchased in 1925. eo moon The four women's temis courts south of the gymmasium and the women's hockey field, which was graded about ten years ago at a great expense = & near financial ealemity ~ are the only outdoor sports on Mt. Oread where the students can have any physical recreations = ny ee ee eee ee in Amer= ica that pene the same situations sss dak Ate tibiae: aiaen-uateh a Whe Wak eles ance ean tae by the Athletic Association, The Department of Physical Education has never spent — any money for their building. The lots on Illinois and 11th Street were purchased _ by the writer for the Athletic Association (University of Kansen Payaienl Mawestion Se ee ee tee eaatacaes ae ae cee Son of Ou talonttins "It was much cheaper to buy a city let ond build « tennis 7 court off the campus of the University than it was to drain, grade and build a tennis ce court on the rugged campus of lit. Oread. Four city lots were purchased under this ‘line of reasoning, and they are now used by the students as tennis courts. The : Deparixgent of Physical Education has partially maintained them, end this year is a ee ee draw financial supporte : sic: seibineties tanita Sp Mei Seiad as, The entire surfece water Ee ee eee eee ae ee ee a ae. by a sewer constructed ca Uk can kody ees ee ee This crosses the road | the south boundary of the old University campus to Car SNE SaNeE bak hb is Spent ly WE wy ee Seen. There is : ditch which has been partially filled in with rock by the Depart ik at uildings and Gromds to prevent the land washing away on this newly ac- quired field. a. could be reclaimed for the students, : aaa sheng ecnticcliaiiahsinn Yelk, taeiteadliias denis and permanent playing space for the University students who vitally need this facility for their bodily vigor and their recreation. Very sincerely yours, maeik Uo aka : ie go UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ‘March 16, 1988. Departaent of Physical Tdusntion af ite HEE ie Ap Mt Hitt (al i i. He tht ; a i it te He it oes | i 1 at ate ned sa lids i “i i ip if aul quali wee te > sre this facility for their permanant iii ag itl ii Aaa " i 4 a I would appre durable and