Danacnegien of L Banestion eee me ec ere ee ee ee eee ee ee ee NAMES Months of Service DATA 7936 FOR CURRENT YEAR ~ 5 ep OF COMMITTEE 4 3 Le BG CHANCELLOR’S ECOMMENDATIONS REMARKS i Be 3. he, - 6 7s é. Position Salary " Position Salary ¥. G, Allen 9 2870 os ie ' 29 Go, domes Sod omit th S : KM. W. Manghes 9 ~—— L, Advien ldndse 10 A ors 1 Blieabeth Dunkel il. 12. a. 15. Ausiotanes to OMA in addition to the slove Herbert 6, Allphin Jay Plunley a. h, Folkonstein 13. Milian Petersen Agel stance y. G. Allen a. ®. Kargies | Adrien Lindsey Mighasl Getto dost. Inety. 27.50 » 7. sere. sat 911? bs fi Lasee 4 & j x L ) 22e°o" hz. 000 | 1| A eld TOTAL SALARIES FOR DEPARTMENT Maintenance Regular 9 bal