(W210-26-43 ) 5. Issuance of instructions.--All instructions dealing wit prioritics or implementations of instructions relating to prioritics on purchases from unit or similar funds must be cleared with tho Prioritics- Liaison Officer, Fiscal Branch, Special Service Division, Headqua Deer s, Army Service Forces, before reloass. (AG 400.13 (1 Sep 43 )OBeD-SPSPE=HE}A ) By order of the Secretary of War: fof ote Ay TIO, oy Ae ULIO, Major Goncer a The Adjutant penteal DISTRIBUTION: Ae 24-49858 ee eee ee ke ae ee ee ee ee eat ee eek, ee ae: ee ae ae ee re -~ wm oot ee om Reproduced at Hq Seventh SvC, AGP, Omaha 2, Bebr £0 Sep 45 ( SPREE) DISTRIBUTION: (DL-12) i THREE (IT) A, B, Dy By Gy Ba 8, Ky MT, Lew, 15, 18, 19, 20, Nels In reply refer to SPKSi, ‘