a. INTRAMURALS Hours Check Room) Activity = Should Be Open Bakes: Touch Football 4300 = 5100- : Sept. 15 - Dec. 15, -- 5 weeks Badminton 400 = 7300 5 weeks Baskettell 6230 = 10:0 Dece 1 = Mar, 15 -- 12 weeks Volleyball 6230 = 10:30 Os ~ sak. 5 5 weeks atin e ee po 4:00 = 7:30 : dor. 1 «du. i <= 9 weeks Golf ) | Snes 7 7 : Handball - (Singles & Doubles) 4300 - 7:50 _ ere l- June 1 -- 9 weeks Swimming | 7:00 = 10:30 Apr. 20 = May 10 <= 2 weeks Dr. Allen: The above schedule is, of course, approximate. 0,r afternoon events require the locker room to be open until 7:50 P.M. | _ With events like badminton, horseshoes, tennis and handball the locker room should be open and available at all hours up to } er possibly 10:30 P.M. 5 days each week. In a live, wide-awake intrenuigt program, the faciiities should be available for both practice and participation. It seems reasonable that the locker room should be open until 10:50 P.M. at aunet five days each week. may Kanehl