MAINTENANCE FUND REPORT © " Bependitures in. gles, Estimates for 1943-144, and Requests for ae DEPARTMENT OF —Ehvsical Bauontion. ee | RESOURCES + en ty ene ae See Fe e- Other receipts _ tmappropria TOTALS. *March 1 Est. Res Total © of Yearjfor Year commended Expended ate ree Date. -Exmended. - EXPENDITURES : ri yor lt a z enance 3 _ Office supplies £0 2 i Telephone & teleck: Repairs, etc. e ies. t equi aa eee + = ep Vel ¢& Sag geo eae List below any additional — items carried on your books, - such as — as. teno:. Bureau: services. Vi Instr, Bur, services soctatt we r ie work: TOTALS: . 6 604 2s bpaeetott “".7213.11 | 1683.00?" “88: ze SEP Ds henge AP meillthlg hts Npahage tl Wh ye pnt Eg Sieg ee 2. Payroll (item 3b on : Irregular Payroll Repost) | 746.40 | 1360.00! 2106440!| 490,00 atten: a Hatch ~h hese “- . GRAND TOTALS 3° ea _ 7827917; 7959.51 |; 3045,00! 11,002. 5ij *Include items covered by student Laboratory fees, such as chemicals, animals , animal food, ice, gas, lab, outlines, etc, : **Ttemize on reverse side. il Be lt a tae 2 ae et 8