Form A 502 __‘ UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS No 7351 | DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK DUPLICATE 4 yang 4 194.4 a me vY g & ey g i : ’ Credit to Department of SARALA bah MOA De tel Pa tnd bres $ 30 — ca gee 3 i ¢ 8 Re Py 4 £5 - A * — eis = and charge the same to the Department of BEB Ba Akh nth A hati A frees 3 > , o he fi ry #8 : oe = (Signed) fF. + Agetn brandi gales Ally Anat (* 8) : Head of Department ie a = Issued in payment for § AA On) ert ol Lag j aM AA Notx.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. EBSD 19 4692 8 4210M Sets UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS NS ioe DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK Form A 502 DUPLICATE | a 194 | Credit to Department of $ of f and charge the same to the Department of + : i pe , -—-- Memorand nl J. } (Signed) es oe aeat a ____ Issued in payment for. ‘ : ghee x 7 £ of ~ / hs The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. SSESBO 19 4692 Notre.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. 8 42—10M Sets ror rain, * UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 N& 7953 V DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK DUPLICATE a 3 ‘lpia to 194 Credit to Department of é “ha & Jaci = ; Z Fa Mei a Pe M SPL 7 and charge the same to the Department of UF “ a Wi ee tal (Signed) ae New | Memorandum only Head of Department >. oo ay Issued in payment for 2 —_ re & LA a — jaf oe £3 ntecliadh 7 és Pier 6) Px. rtp OS Notz.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. ESESBD 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets cccsphentintenmeornaassqnttent iimeon (Signed) =o @ Meinorandtim only ; Head of Department Issued in payment for 3 "Yn. taf mache é i 7 b ay Se a0. GO. eal AA dian _ i: Norr.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. GED 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets iene NO “956 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS oo , DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK v ’ | DUPLICATE se er £ —_—_—-194= f | Credit to Department i A trh Aartngio tS tists § pos . a ee and charge the same to the Department oth Khe. ee eee ee ae Oe ee Fs es t Cf Memorandum only... ‘i $f \ (Signed) oo aay faci } Head of Department Issued in payment for. gee i % j . it - , : Py ort f - 3 e pe EF : e eaeebes : f £3 ae # # 7 2 : é 5 : . 3% E we 4 ? ap 2 eo * ‘ang sone - i - 2 f ee ‘ % 2 4 ro z eee ek a. * ae cer % es 3 ? = : 3 2 : ——— Notre.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. oEEEBBO 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets } } | : : } oO N° (9074 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK v DUPLICATE 7 i atone 194 Credit to Department ie a sts elt a — oh teak gsi a Zt 42 ee, and charge the same to the Department of LA fd £46 ett fF OA Et alow Pe ? J oe J van.” (Signed). eee Be -_ Memorandum only. acai f} Head of Department Issued in payment for. _ oi ’ 4 a ge wag ee ss 5 ‘ a tf fe > f “5 s ge foe Pg tien Z te 2 : Gah ot + te ot Os Typhi ath gil! i Apt Oe aston ee Notr.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets sli esl. ica UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 : | UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 = Ne 7958 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK v DUPLICATE . Sot. GF oon _ 7 f eee '€ ; re A & a Credit to Department of £4.t4 wt 7 all st. thus aH A ote att = ¢ f/O,5% and charge the same to the Department ok Phe. bol if lhe fe {_ en (Signed) UF EE dhol hee Fa Head of Department Issued in payment for. Notr.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment cae, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 oO N° 7999 — pepaRTMENT TRANSFER CHECK v DUPLICATE , de Tie hom Ah 194% Credit to Department of se" Cs ze if facet $ 2 ‘ i i and charge the same to the Department of - | Abode 4 ieee Lat at z ——— i io : ‘Gee ie, _. eg 7 \ (Signed) Head of Department . Issued in peyment for +1 7 fy, \ sent Siete Prot aint nd A Boat ij - i . 7 SNe / fi ¥ x: SL. eid Tt - * ~~ bs nat, ‘2 Rn § cl x ee Notz.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. ESO 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets tp RNEC Sem CART ADESI N° DUPLICATE - and charge the same to the Department of __1_+ __- Issued in payment for. be At Bomproney FO et sf) Batik {ee ee: 4 960 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Hints. one DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK 7 bebe ie ore fd 194 4 Sabscod jp. 3:98 © jes £ oe. * oe ; : Eo £2 PS AE. Pine ee ss a f a 4 5 feetay a , (Signed) wa ok eee A, Memorandum. only” fe Pe. Head of Department “ a i es, fe ee } irae Ark Ce thet AY FF a unt # . ee b- a od a oe ; —Fitmctng 2A. ? Bi cot Auli Ao sess - Bigccaitey Notr.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. > The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets TS tp ws G paren negra? LATTE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 N° 7961 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK YA DUPLICATE /) = eee oe, ee 194: Credit to Department of ho Bt tt hls a to. OO and charge the same to the Department of fr as | ge 7; Hj (Signed) ~~. Memorandum only : e Head of Department Issued in payment for. Zé i # “ ie Note.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The demerneens receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. EEESED 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets ~? UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 0 N° 7962 pEpARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK v DUPLICATE _ 4 — we Credit to Department of 1). | PM se a g fps and charge the same to the Department of -- ey (Signed) E ng — Memorandum only . mi 5 : Head of Department ead Issued in payment for. Way Notr.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. GEER 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets Ws panera eer COREE ie UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502/ 0 N° 7363 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK V 2 =F DUPLICATE “y : _ _ 7 ; « wf _ DUPLICATE of , 5 fe ol 194__ : ; fA 2 Z ; fo eas reait to Department of _____- é PE ng saad eo $ Ji OM and charge the same to the Department of. : F meh, 4 (Signed) =: __.___ Memorandum only Head of Department ssued in payment for_ eae 9 # i} <3 7. Z 5 ¢ 3 . / az Fete 5 td | bi ; I pe ar, - Nore.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. ESO 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets oo. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ss m. «7965. : DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK DUPLICATE SU LBA ALB ef 194 Zé eo 3 - te 3 ee ge ae er Paes f onl a = 3 i: > & 4 igre F bee tig. 4 , 1 a - and charge the same to the Department of gf fi 4% (Signed) an 6. Memorandum only Head of Department Issued in payment for oe Norr.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. ETD 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 o 7966 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK it to Department of ‘\. do AX : ” 1 charge the same to the Department of_2— BAhG A tb (Signed) | __Memorandum only Lee ‘ Head of Department Poe as ued a payment for m3 iJo2, Oka n.42- Wr, ft ft La is - 2 oe 5 J Pudi * £2. if if fF Af a em 7 4, fat, ff OF ihe a = os ff d if Ft Nots.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. e department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets "96% UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Foum A.O0e , DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK 4 i olf ; i a £ a ; é z 4 : lt to Department of IAAF AC tig Shedd | d A chore the same to the Department of fH se hha. fee (Signed) = f Et ( fA “Memorandum only... F Head of Department ed in payment for—______ _ F / - a wi ce of i Se oe eo “pie: 4 i i Norte. oe form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. ; E | EES 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets "4 g G g UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK — ed - é go ie a Zt ? ge Me tuk =f) | tf Litt to Department of. $4424. gi : hile ea arge the 8 same to the Department of Die a he 4k i ee, T ff fii (Signed) (3 Tome, t i nee f wakenosbdhasit, only. ee ae Ad j uae fond of Department F ae * i 2 : ee 2€2 €./ z Zp a J hee é ~ : . a Sta ptr. tCngbn Ste Notz.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets SSNS oi Se ae A reve ————————oo : : Se Seaascainia pier ltie ners atiker neces " 9 6 9 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS : Form A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK ee : ae , LICATE Q : ii og PON - # et f foveal 7 edit to Department of i: a am ga OR eT g¢ 72D8 d charge the same to the Department of £ PBs tt ci cilia At et he et ey, # 7 . F - i 3 ¢ “ i ? ‘ 4 Sioned 5 sk = Je _. Memorandum only ame : ( gn ) w= “Head of Department ig i led in payment for- x * soos # MRC Rai eo . : : pe Fon Pts tft 3. 6 | j ek pants if -Notre.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. x The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets way 0 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK oS ICATE os ie =e ee ; ( FS Ow a a is 4 a s to Department of ae oh eh it $ ga Se ‘the same to the ss of. Spee (Signed) 2 a #3 fe # © Memorandum. only _ Head of Department eae ae ners a —This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment, transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets | SEROUS OS REE ag aad Ri a UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK M Shore _. 194% A : y A Ah An 4 cant ora ae € Ps Fs F es eg ms j si ; <7, #4 fg fh $e : ' iz PRS F ze 3 € ee 8 See a a Memorandum only = = Head of Department = ery ke rat PEE {EO beta ar c 4 2 %, . t aeons noe LAr _ a Ss ee e This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. i The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets { UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 {) Z / “7 1942 i 4 AC F a * ¢ f . 5 ss oe | partment of (i447 An 2 * $2 CU | Lf gt ee met the same to the Department of ——_-- + frets “ne . (Signed) SSM LE Mémotandum only 3 . a : Head of Department in payment for : | , om : f *. : : af A Zz 4 ‘ 2 4-441: ffi. CMA 2S Pel frm This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. i The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. ' Bn Sabseeeh sateen tention) UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS oo DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK a ys —— feet tf 1a nent of 44’ 4 Mt 7s a <7 . 2. th same to the Department of i ae ae i Ze bet (Signed) ~ .* ( Memorandum only *) Head of Department tt 2 4% form of settlement i is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. i ent receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS , Foru A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK — 194_ at 2 - ~~ o> ae artment of sore ys : : = e} be 5 : £3 Pras, he same to the Department of Bice Aue <— (Signed) > Mernorandum only | 7 : Head of Department c Bens for Ste é a a Lith. This bis of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692. 8 42—10M Sets Seen nep sees men inet eet siete UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK e ‘ . — —- 194.4 Pearement of AA a fis ff Soto Oe : Som a e the same to the Department of Of FE pth 2 . : (Signed) fi A ° Sf, é = Memorandum only Head of Department ayment foi A : 4175 Sa # 5 ye O E —This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. — department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets Benoa | UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK > f i £ = # Form A 502 A W444 A = cays : ? wise to the Department of. pd Md 1K a 5 t 7 & 2 Z / 2 i Ags 2 r ¢ i % (Signed) ee ‘a. Momnoramdung ope ef : : Head of Department ' we og KOK | ade { th. fen © ie ol $ i f a ] ent receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. ‘settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets | UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS | : Form A 502 _ DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK — pps, 7 194 to the Department of Cy a =. _ (Signed) of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. it receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER. CHECK oo f 7 ‘J A + a at Z oe - 194 a : 2 ¢ F OO e to the Department of __/ “rican wD ik hal (Signed) Sacettorshndeke OMY nce % a 5 Head of Department a el hes OUO Ne tt ed ff \ 1 of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. ment receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS 7 Font A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK ; co j f i a F “ ff 194 _£<. epee tas e os a he Z f 4 " 2 3 ; enor Men AO ; ‘ws Se | ; yo J = é ?. : i z aes | | ne to the Department of —__- fiLA_ Eel et AE hl ~ f ‘t f #7 9 i As gs (Signed) ny 1 A: Memoranduta onli ft Hee gS Head of Department Pa oO settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. gaou receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets aan , 0 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Fon A 502 ae DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK v | () - et fw ot ment of. Z . MA 44 Ah hattiaed of we Ce ¢ 3 ; ps same to the Department of * Ri gh Miah etre (Signed) “3 ‘ i ‘Memorandum Gnly i Head of Department t for ’ - . ” Fo gts f z ae + $ prs Ase oes ett € pith # n of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. ‘tment receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets : UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK bark 2Y — : iiiactece GS (he e the Department of fj a Z a f x A vi. _ Pe eee — a 0h lf!lUP 26... Aare {2 u) receiving e this check must Leone it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets _-—sUNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Fonat A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK frig f ~ 4 oi 2 (ibe ff 194. ; 7 a = “4 ae z oe ee. ¥ “4 ¢ “ys of i. &: (ha 4 i * ‘ é . E: x * F é ce ti : : o ? on 7 j : 3 2 saa Memorandum ODN YS Pe ey Head of Department : settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets mance te UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK = O } a ae 4 i. - a | ay OB ‘yy f i. . 3 j Ny i a = 7 i of. tt. 4 VA heer! ¢ a i> fi a f. . es ies Beg cl he snake pg & * - x és # ; ae oe F Seans. solf Ms = — ff Puc en f Oe n Toy ‘aa reg Pa Sy je f gS : # a 2: i f, rs P (Signed) So 4 A aes Memorthdum‘inly ate | ERY Head of Department rr eae: : +7 ey ~~ S seine A | 136 O Oe ete Tree el . ee = # ‘settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK _ oe my aud Aad 4. if 194 tl 77 ? nage : 4 A 7 ey a oo — i i Zs +L ag Me Poco fh ae e g i sm “ AS 7 2 —~ os 2 a = ——s w ~*~ : We no ; a same to the Department of iy. A 4 Baye scl oh lt tr a. oe, ‘3 > on . fo ae (Signed) { #= 4 __&_.Memorandum only PO asf z si Head of Department iis > f e fo a : 3 i ya ee {j at eo | ai ee ae F ts at ? 3 f Bio we OL 27) form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. epart tt receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK / 7) ‘4 eee | ft 194.4 fay f i cacy on : ettA an. ./ BG tt PELE ¢ - 4 ‘} 7 % iy r é a to the Department of f ALA ~ i ‘ of f e ; é (Signed) 5, _sMemorandum only ad } : Head of Department a é ee Z ig & fi Ey if *F eS f E / f 7 of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. receiving this check must deposit it at. once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets ins rtenNeseencUr ammeter UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK - f a. tol 4A / ie, 194 / : i hal. fC} ff; A rs <: ue ; 0 to the = of pk Fete t : : ee % i f : \ 7 J a» > » IN ‘1 settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. | f een ‘this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Fonu A 602 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK 25 eee @ to the Department ot PA. ; (Signed) _ v ZC ser rae Tou > Head of Department of cetlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. t receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, ee it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Fon A 502 / DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK sf 2 ee tf g = oe a y (9 Head of Department (Signed) oo AAA. ; ye 1&0 settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. ot receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets ; UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 _ DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK me / iF, so ™ x oe f re 3 | ; = : to the Department of -- hk os - 66 Aral, ; aN 144 4 £ 4 E oo. 1 4 + iZ i # = a 4 ey Memorandum only #> } (s gned) oe “Head of Department ~ : ” > e s a & & oe - a a : ¢ a : sttlement is to be used for all interdeparitment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. : a receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. ; 3 19 , 4692 8 42—10M Sets UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS wom A 50 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK * es . 2 - . ¢ ‘ ; a A m + 194 ib 25. AA mee (wy. Z 9% f 1. A Proooke ot Ae A ss ut Pete i ¢ Auf. Peay, = Db ‘= : = p F —— Fx “e : . & om se ‘ Fe .. * - 2 -* s é é = 2 the Department of. Cn BL $2 As a. wwe A ML hl et ge (Signed) (J SF Gorubesbn le tlhe f Css Head of Department Tis —— 2 settlement i is to se used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets ee _ UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS ee Fon A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK _ 2 ‘vt of { come ape e #3 ee . sf 7 ; é Ser Z : a Fi va we eh. Px Ri 8 es Posh ce as $ eo Po cat : : x £ oa : f? he Department of __# _**"-#t.4t cro CL Ci Lek a 7 oe fe } wr ge es (Signed) UF OS teh thasba bv 6 ff} ‘ * # - —=#& Head of Department os a : fs pe J i # " # 3 ; a, tl, ai Se. wl imesh = ‘., » £.,. } Pe Weica & : Rs > © A a es Flies tlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. weetng ¢ this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets “aa ate. Me 2) UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK | sf é } ee: a@ me ‘te. am nm : ee gi ue oe tee Oe 5¢ /0.50 to the Department of sd regia ott A hoot te #. é Zz 2 j é % *.-Memorandum only, ~~ _.... : eg Head of Department f (Siened)___ <>" , Se At 2g pth wns 170 z ae # wi a settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. tment receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. : 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets See teeta) UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 No 95 a DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK DUPLICATE sy pe 194 Credit to Department of __f\ @4t-¢.4 i {4 946 the ¢ Ga a i a , 7 2 and charge the same to the Department of ~~ A wie 4 #4 £ fF td A A A Aten : ‘i = 7 if ff 3 fs 2 f 2. , (Signed) 194 - Credit to Department of __+— pt AL AA tat Pe oe 8 ‘ ] "y O : - # a Pe 5 Si { 4 om ff? fof * es tM. a — al Ck ot A hho te core fs ae : " Pi’ rt as : ° ° z Zz ¢ f Pf. oF 2 fr (Signed)___»“_ C Bichecndhl, Big ace ( Head of Department Issued in payment for ree celine ee A ee oD) S4MAAA sf A 4 A" Jf0 . = ©. é oO Notn.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. , 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Fon A 502 No 7997 Soa DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK vf