NO “956 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS oo , DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK v ’ | DUPLICATE se er £ —_—_—-194= f | Credit to Department i A trh Aartngio tS tists § pos . a ee and charge the same to the Department oth Khe. ee eee ee ae Oe ee Fs es t Cf Memorandum only... ‘i $f \ (Signed) oo aay faci } Head of Department Issued in payment for. gee i % j . it - , : Py ort f - 3 e pe EF : e eaeebes : f £3 ae # # 7 2 : é 5 : . 3% E we 4 ? ap 2 eo * ‘ang sone - i - 2 f ee ‘ % 2 4 ro z eee ek a. * ae cer % es 3 ? = : 3 2 : ——— Notre.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. The department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. oEEEBBO 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets } } | : : }