UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Form A 502 o 7966 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK it to Department of ‘\. do AX : ” 1 charge the same to the Department of_2— BAhG A tb (Signed) | __Memorandum only Lee ‘ Head of Department Poe as ued a payment for m3 iJo2, Oka n.42- Wr, ft ft La is - 2 oe 5 J Pudi * £2. if if fF Af a em 7 4, fat, ff OF ihe a = os ff d if Ft Nots.—This form of settlement is to be used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. e department receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets