UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS wom A 50 DEPARTMENT TRANSFER CHECK * es . 2 - . ¢ ‘ ; a A m + 194 ib 25. AA mee (wy. Z 9% f 1. A Proooke ot Ae A ss ut Pete i ¢ Auf. Peay, = Db ‘= : = p F —— Fx “e : . & om se ‘ Fe .. * - 2 -* s é é = 2 the Department of. Cn BL $2 As a. wwe A ML hl et ge (Signed) (J SF Gorubesbn le tlhe f Css Head of Department Tis —— 2 settlement i is to se used for all interdepartment transfers, except state appropriations for special purposes. receiving this check must deposit it at once in the business office, where it will remain on file. 19 4692 8 42—10M Sets