fo Dr. Alien Subject’''- Term grades in Physical Training Cohen, Ben - Sec. 2, 12:30 MWF - Absent 31 Dec. to date. Dolinsky, Meyer - Sec. 2, 12:30 MWF - Absent 29 Nov. to 24 Jan. bxoeused 29 Nov.,6 Dee., only. Friedman, Carl - Sec. 3, 10:30 TS 2:30 W - Absent 11 Dec., 14-15-18 Dec., 8-11-18-19-25-26 Jan. We have had no notice that he is to be excused. Hale, Lawrence - Sec. 3, 10:30 TS 2:30 W - Absent 8-11-18-19-25-26 Jane We have had no notice that he is to be excused. Johnson, Gale - Sec. 3, 10:30 TS 2:30 W - Absent 27 Nov., 11-14-15- 18 Dee., 5-38-11-18-19-25-26 Jan. Exeused 10 to 17 Dec. only. Mabon, William - See. 3, 10:30 TSw2e30 W - Absent 27-30 Nov., 1 Dec. to date. Exeused for semester on 24 Nov. Seidell, Richard -.Sec. 13, 8:30 TTH 1:30 S - Absent 27 Nov., 14 Dec. to date. We have had no notice that he is to be excused. In each of these cases the student has not done the prescribed work and has furnished no evidence of the ability to do so.