BUDGET 1941-42 Dept. of Physical Education Special Maintenance ig F. Ce. Alien 9 Professor 2200 Athletics 900 Athletic Association 2500 5400 2. E. Re Elbel 9 Assoc. Frofessor 2800 Athletic Association 80 2080 S$. Ruth Hoover 9 Asst. Frofessor 2350 4, Joie Stapleton 9 Asst. Professor 1835 Education 365 2200 5. Vic Hurt 10 Asst. Professor 300 Athletics 1700 Athletic Association 4000 : 6000 6.~Henry Shenk 9 Instructor 1850 Education 400 2250 7. Melba Schilling 9 Instructor 1300 he 9 Instructor ~ LBS0 9. R. W. Raugh 9 Assistant 500 10. 12 Secretary 900 ll. Assistance ; 1500 (Towel room $800) (Asst. instrs. 700) Total Salaries 17,455 Maintenance 1,600 685 ne Oy (Bal. of $150) in this item. \Roo 204 (Gym mats 10 $278 vaulting horse 200 parallel bar 210