: April &, 1941 [ @ We Imlott Committees, | Gentlenens a herewith sending you a report regarding the ox= penditure for stamps and for the = 1 fund of $450,00 for the | of Physical etione I have broken both these items various allocations so it may be clearly seen how the spente You will recall these matters were discussed in Conference, April 2» Stamps 1939 - 1940 4 : ua ge : Intramurals & men's department - ~ - $5250 Women's Jepartmont--<-«-+--+-+----=-=— 16.00 Physical Education Office ~— <= « 129,60 Research, @irmiil, special, etcte « 6955 450 special fund 194081941 Repair mats and vaulting horse -o- 114.90 Tennis backstop repairs, softball backstop, repairs, maintenanes of — courts, Gite <- ewew ewe 197615 This leaves us a balance of $137.98 in this fund which expect to use for the purchase of a filing ease and maintaincnce temis and softball courts. 3a Sincerely yours, Director of Physical gducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach