MEMO = Budget Conference $358.59 paid to K. U. Athletic Association for labor on vty of ie equipments share of gas, electricity and water at the ee # (955.05) | janitor service at stadium to Jane 15. (60,00) Z Fg os How are we to be retubursed for this? Reimbursement for #100009 1 ange pre tract? cose a ie : 50,0, Foal nuit £4.33 Jol aloe 270,68 % eta ad ms he CFormuarcone / ie Golf course - 6th hole (Capt. Buhl) ee — or piesa na i ge ets by the Navy. esas’ . i Dell Davidson 4 = si 8 8 ~ Bun Rogers . oO Ce Mr. Hutchinson 7 Al A Dean Nesmith | | fh Ct Fee Legislative increase of salaries Correspondence coursea Towels