MEMO OF NEEDS FOR NEXT YEAR 2 radunte Fellowships ? ? Handbell Courts Exchange of 2 planes with Bell Music Cos Grade wemen's Hockey Field Replace old mats with more new rubberized mts ($50 each) Sigml systen for class schedule = ostimted cost $210.35 | (job estimate sulmitted by Mre Crow) \ Leads of Physical Bdueetion Stat? Classes Skill Spring Allen 2hrse Shree Ave 45 hres some Elbel 8 # 36 * Allphin 5% *§s Ave = seme fall we bi w spre Raport Ave 245 bree seme fall : = 8 " spre Conger 4hrse 2 hrse Hargiss g°* ave 6 hrSe S@Me - Hoover 9 hrse Thrse Ve 25 hrse semstere Stapleton 14 ave 43 hrse seme Byrn | ave 19% hrs. sem, fall ; © 21 bg w spre Administrations coaching Intramurals - ave 10 hrse wie reaction time study of Indians) Curd, 4 hrse (complete bibliography on commmity recreation)s Swanson, 3 hrs. (complete report on safety education) Supervision of towel roa, ave 2 hrse dai] Fencing Club and Team, ave 3 hrse wie Graduate study, 6 hrse wie Supervision of women's intramurals; swimming, WeleAc duseivishen of qenelaee tnshers Tau Sigma, ave 10 hrse wite (Next year would like to introduce a class in modern dance for men, 2 hrse wie) amactnmy 3S a é - ee 7 Te ay t ple 4 Free eee aera 4 3 se? 2 —— Oe g45°:">> Maxeh 22, 19393 Balance remaining in budget at this time « «+s $1,000 the following estinnted expenditiays will be mis fran this balance: April, May end Jue irreguler payrolls « « « + $600-$700 Upkeep of tenis courts for spring « ««+s+s $200 _ Repairs on equipment, effice supplies, eto. $100 DEPARTMENTAL MAINTENANCE REPORT Expenditures for 1937-38, Estimates for 1938839, Requests for 1959=40 DEPARTMENT - Physical Education "Expended sstimated Requested ITH 1937 38 1938=39 1939=40 RESOURCES Regular budget allowance 1900.90 1900.00 Balance from previous year Fee income 1889.50 189520 Other receipts 50294 Wee 64 et A Oe 4 ee 5846.14 EXPENDITURES 1. General Maintenance Office supplies 250 Pestage 250 Printing Travel expense 22 Telephone~telegreaph 50 Frei ght-express 30 Perme equipte (incl. labe apparatus*) 1000 Laboratory supplies (fer student use) 400 Repairs and maintenance 550 Laundry 200 Subsor. & memberships 35 TOTAL e eo ec eceeeeereee 0 @ 2587 2 Payroll (Wages paid from Maint. or Fee incame) ! Clerical 7 1200 Equipte maintenance Total eeersccecesveeveeeen 1200 GRAND TOTAL 3787 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE Budget allowance 450.00 450,00 Expenditures : 6 Gym mats $179.82 Fan for basement 107.41 Motor for old fan 95257 Dece of Swe Pool 50.00 432 80 Drainage of tennis courts . . . « « 450.00 eg eae a ee ae a ae ee ee ee *Itemize on reverse side Repantittietes for seecins toueeiee tae eae Requests for 1959=40 1889.50 1895420 50.94 3846414 250 ET ee” eo > 50 30,00 Frei ght«express. 30 22.4 Perms equipte (incle labs ie oak 4000. 76, 74 a a student use 400. 169.75" Repairs and maintenance 350 130.43 Laundry 200 pes Gl Subscrs & memberships 35 : ey _ é of “a mi. Fe TOTAL «ee cere ece eevee e se ¢ 2587 ISS (7b 2. Payroll (Wages paid fran Maint. or Fee ineane) Clerical 1200 Equipte maintenance Toteale secs eee ee evens [Reo 1200 GRAND TOTAL 300 S787 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE mcyenittebaes a. : : 6 Gym mts $179.82 Motor for old fan 95257 Dreinage of temis courts ...+. 450.00 Totalesesestreseseeeaeenee DEPARTMENTAL ASSISTANCE REPORT Expenditures on Irregular Payroll from Salary Budget Allotments DEPARTMENT == Physical Education mded Estimated Requested 1937<38 1938=39 1393-40 BUDGET ALLOWANCE Assistance 300.00 400.00 Assistance (men) 300.00 --- Towel roan assistance 800.00 800.00 Total eeeeerebeesrteeéte e 1400.00 1200.00 EXPENDITURES (Omit expenditures from Maintenance and Fee Income) (Hourly rates) Clerical assistance Paper grading Enrollment assistance Technical assistance Dishwashing Artist Monitors Towel room attendants Supervision of golf course Pianists for gym classes Glerical and stenographic Life guards for pool (30¢ and 352) 1200.00 Note: Do not include irregular payroll charged to Fee Income or Maintenance Towel roon assistance 3 800,00 800.00 Total e*eo#eeeeeseeeeerew# 1400,00 1200.00 EXPENDITURES (Omit expenditures from Maintenance end Fee Incane) (Hourly rates) Clerical assistance Paper grading (30 end 35Z) 1200 200 Note: Do not inelude irregular payroll charged to Fee Income or Maintenance PERMANENT EQUIPMENT Office chairs, files, shears, etce Towels Matting, rubber & cocoa Tennis nets, wire netting Piano truck Fencing equipment (masks, sabres) Badminton nets, rackets Ping pong & card tables Expended 1937-38 Estimated Requested 1938=359 193940 250079 296.00 36 204 157 250 3920 53270 25 50 57 954 1937=38 1938=39 1939=40 25079 29600 56 204 157 250 39220 53.670 57 954 ae DEPARTMENTAL MAINTENANCE REPORT Expenditures for 1937-38, Estimates for 1938-39, Requests for 1939-40 DEPARTMENT mewn ~~ \ Expended | Estimated {| 1937- = Requested | 1 t revious Re Balance f Fee income Other recei e ear Ss SN Li inserseinses te toatnoe EXPENDITURES : 1.General Maintenance Office supplies Postage Print Travel nse Telephone—tele h Fre ess Pe e *.(inel aratus* rat lies (for student use Re s and maintenance Total 2,.Payroll(Wages paid from Maintenance or Fee income) Clerical 12.20% Equipt. maintenance TOE Lésasenes se GRAND TOTALese- SPECIAL MAINTEN t+ Allowance tures? Tt tiesass e % Itemize on reverse side (Over) Expended | Estimated | Requested 1 = z 1 REMARKS 1. F. G, Allen 2, M, 7. Margiss 3. BR. Bibel =, Ruth Mover 5. Joie Stapleton 6. 7. Vie Burt &. H. @. Allphin 9. Jim BH. Raport 10: dens Byrn il. 12. Alberta Pulteen 9 9 12 13. Towel room assistance Professor Intercollegiate Ath. Athletic Association Professor Intercollegiate ath. Athlatic Association Assoc, Prof. Athletic As:octation Agst. Prof. Asst. Prof. Bducation Asst. Prof. Asset. Prof. Intereollegiate Ath. Athletic Association Tustructor Wducation Inet ruetor Athletic Assn. Asst. Inetr. Asst. Instr. Secretary $s § Seo ha SEss F BkE G Hee BWes Beek Gotal Salaries Maintenance Special Maintenance ro 58 Es The University of Kansas Lawrence Office of The Chancellor May 24, 1939 TO HEADS OF ALL DEPARTMENTS: Enclosed you will find the budget for your depart- ment, as recently approved by the Board of Regents. In order that the records may be complete and accurate, you are requested to file in the Chancellor's office by return mail, if possible, appointment blanks for each person on the regular payroll in your department who has been or will be (a) Newly appointed (b) Promoted in rank (c) Re-employed for service in office or lab- oratory, or on the faculty with rank of instructor, assistant instructor, or assistant. For members of departments of instruction, dupli- cate of each blank should be filed with the dean of the school to which the department is assigned. Appointment blanks may be obtained at the Chancellor's Office. In order that appointment notices may be mailed before Commencement, prompt and complete cooperation on the part of the departments is requested. Cordially yours, Ez. H, LINDLEY, Chancellor. Appointment Blanks Required: Items 3, 6 to 12 inclusive. Physical Education 1. F. C. Alien 9 Professor 2200 Intercoll. Athletics 500 2700* 2. H. W. Hargiss 10 Professor 900 Intercoll. Athletics 800 1700* 3. BE. Re Elbel 9 Asst. Prof. 2800 4. Ruth Hoover ) Asst. Prof. 2350 5. Elizabeth Dunkel 94> Asst. Prof; 1835 . £0 gleton wi Education 365 fp 2200 6. V. W. Lapp 9 Asst. Prof. 2400 7. H. G. Allphin 9 Instructor 1755 Education 2120* &. Jim Harold Raport 9 Instructor 1500 9. Ralph Conger 10 Inst ructor 300 | Intercoll. Athletics 600 900* 10. 9 Asst. Instr. 400 1l. Jane Byrn 9 Asst. Instr. 800 12. Alberta Hulteen 12 Secretary 900 13. Towel room assistance 800 Total Salaries 18,940 Maintenance 1,900 Special maintenance * Additional from Athletic Association, as follows: F. C. Allen 2500 H. W. Hargiss 2120 H. G. Allphin &0 | : Ralph Conger . 1400 2 ie €©z) Grin. pe - QnA 7 {oo JOB ESTIMATE DEPARTMENT BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Dele. October..26.,..1935 8... i plea carer Bhysiceal Education Description of job. Signal. System for class. achedule os 1 = Noe 1G1 Telechron synchronous motor operated single circuit program clock $100.00 6 = No. 560 Edwards bells 4", 60 cycles, 24 volts 44.50 1 = Noe 94 Edwards signaling transformer, 60 cycles 250 watts, primary volts 110, secondary volts 24 6.65 1 = Noe 8175 Benjamin motor driven horn, 60 cycles, 110 volts 24-200 1 = No 8336 Benjamin "Master Relay", 60 cycles, 24 volts 920 400t = £18 Bell wire,itacks, screws, ote Seto Labor 20.00 $210.35 Job number Total estimated cost $..210.235................. _ aes ranma Uebgaracaredd # Borer Dito cotetieted oc. 16-7761 5-37—500 Sets WEMO OF NEEDS FOR NEXT YEAR 2 Graduate Fellowships ? ? Handball Courts Exchange of 2 pianos with Bell Music Coe Da Treen ! Grade Women's Hockey Field Replace old mats with more new rubberized mats ($30 each) — system for class schedule = estimated cost $210.35 (job estimate submitted by Mre Crow) MEMO ~ m~, Ay Tt So LD hens a he Ba ELBEL « Advance rank to Associate Professor? SLA Chen « Slaupe + me E. ALLPHIN = Does he have another year here? RAPORT = Could he teach any theory classes? BYRN = Would like to attend the Bennington School of the Dance this summer but thinks the cost is prohibitive ($350.00); if she does not go there she will go to the University of Wisconsin againe CONGER ? HARGISS = OATMAN ? 7? March 22, 1939: Balence remaining in budget at this time « « « «eee $1,000 The following estimated expenditures will be made from this balance: April, May and June irregular payrolls « « « « $600<$700 Upkeep of tennis courts for spring « «e+ $200 Repairs on equipment, office supplies, etce $100 MEMO = regarding exchange of two pianos with Bell Music Company: They desired te replace our two eld pianos (which were dilapidated beyond repair) with two pianos which they had but which were too large for possible sale in a homee In good condition and fine for gymnasium classese Charge for Bell's pianos = = $150 Allewance on our old ones = 25 Net amount due Bell's 2 « » $125.00 Mareh 17, 1958. OF KANSAS ro Fy Pim Department of Physical Uducation 3 Say ‘li ; ae is Hi tit ut a it i va ae f i | | i i 2% aaae tee a i ie Uf La tilt uu i aif i i aa a Pt be ial } eel ia HE a HA i i i Wagek f.8e2 doth reel ate ei ite 1 i mat i r get nie li gia 43 gee santa ies a ui i lh Hs uli ia i ” | litt iz! HF shelf in “i iH Ba ti Hai} 4 i : q <7 His * ie ji Meroh 18, 1958s ne iit 5 fi iti j assie 7H i ries ali a8 j Deperttnart of Physical ducation sy ite i i iy ast iat i flee st : ih ? i Le i fi it El i He lif a ahh Hn il eat cea leit i il , Hee it 30 hy if ph if fit i) rat ij ised Ay Ae alps | th 3 iat nea 1H ign ti f it : AG 1 if i ual! aly i a i 343 i il a fu J ) Hl Hit fi a 3 i tf Dy ii iii be Saye ui te iil rite | 5 ES, i 4 2 a [: Hl i Hs i 1 Hie : ki Hut ut bit ie {hat af i 3 ‘ qa a ti; a H et Bi : i if cnt bit il ial Et iis i |