UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence Office of The Chancellor February 28, 1939 TO DEANS AND HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS: Herewith you will find the schedule for the departmental budget conferences for the year 1939-'HO. — The budget committee for each department consists of the Central Committee, the dean of the school or director of the division in which the department is budgeted, the head of the department, and all deans interested in the work of the department. In case the dean is also head of the department, the Chancellor will apyoint an ad- ditional member of the staff. The members of the Central Committee are Dean Z. B. Stouffer (chairman), Dean Paul B. Lawson, Dean Frank T. Stockton, and Raymond Nichols (secretary). It is suggested that department heads consult members of the permanent staff of the department for suggestions, and bring to the conference any information and material bearing on the situation. Presentation of departmental needs in order of importance is highly desirable. The attached forms on maintenance and assistance expendi- tures and needs should be filled in and brought to the conference. The conferences will be held in the Chancellor's Office. Because of the late start, the schedule is crowded. Departments that miss their places in the schedule may have to wait for other appointments. Cordially yours , BE. H. LINDLEY, Chancellor BNCs