Page 5 SELF EVALUATION © Desire to Win a. You will die before you quit, never letting up. b. You talk it up and pep it up always, but on some occasions go a little easy. Cs * You show enthusiasm until the going gets a little rough. ad. You are a front runner, doing well when winning. a." _ Winning or losing doesn't make too much difference to you. Loyalty (To the team, coaches, and school.) a. You defend every one against oe you never make derogatory remarks about anyone. Ds You are quiet, but you show loyalty through your actions. a You show it in your actions when you do not agree with a procedure, but go along with it. a You voice objections, but go along out of necessity. e. You are an habitual rebel. Natural ability a. You are a natural athlete. Sports come easy.: b. You have a lot of native ability, but are carried along somewhat on determination to do well. Cs Your ability and determination are divided equally. d. ‘Determination carries you along most of the way. e. You have little or no naturel ability; you go only on determination. Aggressiveness ae You hit harder as the game progresses. b. You love contact, never passing up a block or tackle. Ce _ You make contact. but don't look for it. d. You make contact out of necessity. e. You avoid contact. Off of the Field Representation | Be You are known and respected by the entire student and faculty body. D. You are known and respected by your friends for doing what is right. Ce You behave only when you feel like you must. d. You like to play the fringe. e. You are 4 poor representative of the squad because of your manner and conduct. Blocking -- In Line a. You are off on the number with a terrific uncoil and follow though, getting a picture block. b. You are off on the number with good follow through. oa You go to the right place with fair technique. d. You go to the right place, but seldom get a block. e. You need a lot of work on assignments and- technique.