gaz A heavy cold kept the brawny junior cut of the Michigan and Wichita games, both stake which Nebraska loste Thom apparantly has a@ ways CO COG. 2 venney and Hannah may orove better than any of the rookies befurux by the time the finals of tl four-day @ fair close December 30. Both have com up the hardeway, playing behind two tall and prolific scorers over the past two yearss Subbing for 4eldorson ’ Xu mwax the 6-7 inane averaged last year and in x9SRx 195i:e lle now is travelling at 10.0 through the buffaloes’ first three games te always has been regarded as a dangerous scorer , capable Gefsnder and sturdy rebounder, Denney averaged in 20 games last season; in as a sophomores Thid 6-5 , 223-pound woxrhorse is a somewhat larger though cruder edition of Bill Stauffer, Tiger great of 1950-51526 lie fights all the way for rebounds and came along steadily in all departments thrugh the final half of last seasons And, to date, ne hasn't fouled & out of a game, & penchant which eB has concerned Coach Sparky Stalcup far the past two seasonse Johnson , who started ali 21 games for Kamsag last season as a sophomore, now finds himself the most experienced sturiur regular amung league centerse “ec owns some glossy credentials despite hig mere junior statuss He set a stool mark of 2h rebounds against Uklahom last year and , with pt recoveries, outstripped the sophomore rebound figures of Lovellette and Borne “e averaged 10.0 ovayvxthyx points over tle 195-55 route and iuxtxaweitxx was travelling at 12.6. when the “ay hawkers opened their weekeni tour in Texas Satirday night. Bacher wil. pk replace Hissouri.s departed Med t ; Pabk as the league s best and Mus¥xdxvx maneuveror and sEogyx scorer around the boardas He owns the soft touch of a Gerald Tucker and the massive proportions of Bi ae Waters, two notable Oklahoma centers of the recent paste